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hitting on all sevens.
jacob kiszka
This will never end because I want more. More, give me more, give me more. 
basic information
posted 3 hrs ago
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full name
jacob kiszka
date of birth
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death dealer
love interest
arcani heights
now playing
posted 3 hrs ago
If I Had a Heart
Fever Ray
soldier of fortune
posted 5 hrs ago
Once one of the eldest of three siblings born to wealthy Polish nobles, Jacob Thomas Kiszka was considered more than just another wealthy young man with a reputable family in good social standing. He was, for lack of a better term, his parents' pride and joy. The boy was intelligent, cunning, and observant from an early age, setting him on the right path for politics from the beginning. However, he also quickly learned the ways of the sword and shield, hand to hand combat, with the silver tongue resting in his mouth becoming sharper than the blade on his hip by the day. A warrior, a politician, a gentleman to be wed to a charming young woman named Amelia, the daughter of another wealthy family. The two would've made a rather respectable family, with his successes on the battlefield and the way he might persuade anyone to bend to his will with a few simple, soft words sending his popularity with the councils sky high. Jacob was excited, to say the least. To shine honor upon his family name, to protect his homeland, to take a bride, to start a family. His birthright was excellence in the form of a long, happy life with his beloved, future sons, and their wealth. 

However, fate had other plans for him; coming in the form of black hellhounds on the night before his wedding. The beasts had not come for him, although he would've been an easy target, with his back turned to the open stable doors as he secured his steed within one of the stalls. He'd heard the growling, the roars, from where he stood, and his younger brother, Samuel's shrieks soon to follow.

Jacob wasted no time in bolting out into the yard, but he was too late. His brother lay bloody on the ground, surrounded by a sea of gore, some belonging to him, and others to the rest of their family. His parents had been torn to pieces and strewn about like shreds of wasted fabric, their livestock all slaughtered, their home heavily battered from the attack. Jacob could see the wolf retreating in the forest. One lycan, in the blink of an eye, had decimated Jacob's entire life, robbing him of his entire family, and ensuring that he would never be the same again. Not until he had avenged them.

That night, Jacob rode off into the forest alone, with nothing but the blade on his hip. Needless to say, Amelia would never see him again.
He'd heard stories, though he hardly believed them, about the devils that lived in the castle through the forest. He'd gone on several trips with his father to pay them tribute for their protection, yet was forbidden to step inside of the walls. Glimpses of them from the gates were all he'd gotten, and they weren't nearly enough to grant any certainty of their demonic nature that so frightened his mother.

In all honesty, he hadn't even come in search of the castle-dwelling strangers, but the wolf who'd killed his family, killed his brother. The woods were plenty dense, fog curling around his horse's feet. He'd been out for days in the weather, the freezing cold nights and the darkened days. No food or drink to keep him hydrated, but he couldn't give up. Not when he was so close to killing the beast.

Exhaustion had set in and he'd found the base of a large tree with thick, twisting roots to be an acceptable place to collapse, however the forest wasn't silent for long after the moon rose. He could hear them all around, snarling with jaws snapping, ferocious and strong enough to shatter any bone in his body. Though he stood, drew his sword, and prepared to take them all on, he didn't have to. A herd of raven horses stampede through the trail, crossbows firing silver-tipped arrows and swords coruscating as they cut the beasts down, one by one. 

It was not an easy victory, still, and Jacob found himself fighting side by side with the helmeted riders, though their armor was more than familiar. The ones who lived in the castle. Their eyes, piercing and sharp from the slits in the metal decorating their faces. One in particular struggles with a large lycan, knocking the weapon from the rider's hands and leaping on to them, but Jacob is quick to react, driving his sword through the back of the beast's neck to sever the head from the body. The final fatality that ends the battle. 

When the rider removes their helmet, Jacob is face to face with the one he saved. Arguably the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on, though there's a haunting glow to her features, a demon lurking in her eyes. Before he can so much as open his mouth to speak, the riders have all mounted their horses and rode away, leaving only the devastation and the fading thunder of hooves behind. 

Jacob ponders their abilities for days after that, while he survives on his own in the wilderness. The visage of those riders tearing down the lycans replaying over and over in his head, right alongside the memory of his family drenched in blood in the dirt. The two mesh together in his grieving, broken mind, repeating over and over, driving him to the very brink of insanity. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he only searches. Every day. Hunting. Praying. It occurs to him that the castle-dwellers could teach him how to slay lycans like they do, entire hordes, and he could use that talent to hunt down the beast that destroyed his life. 

He's all but a corpse riding atop his horse when he reaches the castle, his eyes bloodshot from insomnia, pale from the elements. He flings himself to the feet of what seems to be a council of demons, and begs them to train him to kill the wolves. At first they refuse, some even laugh at his pathetic display of desparity, though one in particular silences the rest. The familiar, haunting female from the forest. When prompted with his reasoning for wanting to be like them, he gives but one simple answer, "I want to slaughter every last wolf." and it seems to be enough for the council. The woman he fought alongside only days ago sinks her fangs into his neck, and everything fades away except for the slowing of his heartbeat.

When Jacob opens his eyes hours later, everything about him has changed. He's a vampire, as is explained to him by his Sire, and an appointed Death Dealer, a warrior whose only objective is to kill lycans.
Hundreds of years have passed since then, and yet Jacob still kills lycans without mercy, having slain thousands already. He has been around long enough to see the birth of the modern world, and adjust to it as much as possible, though his roots still remain intact. 

Though he has always been a model soldier, Jacob has become more and more bitter towards the elder vampires, who treat him and every other Death Dealer like a disposable toy, that if need be, may be discarded without so much as a care in the world. He is becoming restless. His ambition, which has been tucked away for so many years, rising with brand new opportunities. He will play the part of the obedient dog for now, though deception and cruelty are hidden just beyond his stoic expression. He will no longer be their pawn, to do their bidding. He will overcome them all.
posted 7 hrs ago
posted 8 hrs ago
plots & scenarios
— nemesis
being a death dealer, jake was more than used to the disrespect from the elders. still, there is one in particular that antagonizes him every chance given, and jakehas grown tired of the elder's taunting, setting his revenge at the top of the list of reasons for his betrayal to the coven.
— ward
selena gomez. in the 1980s, jake broke one of the coven's sacred rules: no feeding on humans, and he did so, attacking a young lady outside of her home. he assumed she was dead, and opted against telling anyone about his indiscretion. however, she not only survived, but turned into a vampire herself. when the elders found out, they welcomed her in, as they did all vampires before her, however, jake was set to be punished for breaking the rules. his punishment was to watch after her for all time, the apprentice he never asked for.
— treaty
the lycans are sworn enemies to vampires, and jake has known this for centuries; ever since he began slaughtering them hundreds of years ago. still, he finds himself contemplating a treaty with them; in exchange for the downfall of his rival, the elder vampire that has been the most ruthless to him over the years. the idea that he could watch his opponent fall and he could rise to power in his place is what spurs him to approach a lycan under the guise of nighttime and concoct a plan to betray his kind. 
— sire
before he was turned, jake fought alongside a group of vampires to defeat a horde of lycans. little did he know, the woman he just so happens to have saved when she was cornered by a beast turned out to be one of the elder vampires he later called upon and begged them to turn him. in the end, it was her interference and testimony that granted him eternal life, and she was the one that turned him herself. jake has always been fiercely loyal to her above even the other elders, and the two have even been involved in romantic entanglements from time to time over the hundreds of years they've known each other.
— tba
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
below is a list of scenarios. instead of plots/connections that have already been planned out, scenarios are open storylines that are made for random encounters, etc.
— to be announced
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.
— to be announced
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.
— to be announced
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.
— to be announced
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.
— to be announced
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.
posted 9 hrs ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
lover found
full name
out of character
posted 10 hrs ago
please read
( introduction ) hi there! my name is keems, feel free to address me as such or as my username when speaking ooc to me. i find it a little uncomfy when i'm addressed ooc by my character(s) names.

( ooc vs ic ) do not mix these two with me. just because my character acts a certain way does not mean that i agree with or condone these actions or reactions. likewise, just because i am a certain way, doesn't mean that my characters will act similarly. in short, keep in character in character and out of character out. 

( writing style ) it varies! i typically do extremely detailed script or para, mostly because i prefer quick progression. i am also extremely busy outside of rpr so i don't have time to focus on crazy long multi paras anymore. that being said, my reply length changes frequently.

( pokes ) poking me is usually fine; i am quite busy so i tend to be scatterbrained at times. that being said, please do not spam me. if you spam-poke me to the point of me feeling uncomfortable, i will drop our plot.

( genres ) i love all genres, but i tend to lean towards more intense, or darker genres. that doesn't mean i won't be interested in softer, or more casual plotting if that's what you want. i love , as well.

( other rules ) pm me for plotting, admin inquiries, or general chatting, no wall posts. do not force any kind of relationship between our characters, let it develop naturally. if i decide to drop a plot with you, i will let you know asap. i expect the same courtesy.