
seokmin lee
I'm in a dream, please forgive me.
full name
lee seokmin.
registered nurse.
Since the beginning of his life, Seokmin had always loved helping other people. Even as close to the age of 7, his parents would joke around that in his past life he had to have been a teacher, perhaps even a therapist. With other kids his age it was fairly easy for him to make friends, his smile warm enough to melt even the coldest of hearts. When he was around, people who planned on never even paying him any mind had no chance. He was always like that and as he grew older, he continued to be that way. But, he grew tired; of course he loved helping other people, but it started to seem like people only came to him when they had issues and weren't doing the same for him. Yet he kept helping people, burning himself like the sun to keep everyone around him okay. The only person who ever knew of his internal conflict was his best friend, a girl he befriended early on in primary school, her being stuck to his side like glue. "You don't have to help everyone when you're hurt yourself," she would lecture him over a bowl of ice cream they both shared. "I just feel like I need to," he would reply, sticking his spoon in and out of the bowl, not having the appetite even for his favorite treat. As they grew into their teens together, they grew busier but always made sure to make time for each other. There was nobody in the world he was closer with than her and it was safe to say he would do anything for her, as she would for him. On the night of his friend's 15th birthday, they went out to eat together to celebrate. They both had an amazing time and stayed out slightly later than they usually would. Their parents weren't worried, they knew where they were and they had never been the type of kids to get into mischief. Walking her back to her house, arms linked together, Seokmin had asked her if she had anything else planned for the night. "Nah, I think I'm gonna head to sleep. I had a lot of fun today, min." He hugged her tight, rubbing soft circles into her back as he wished her happy birthday again for the umpteenth time that day. Once he let her out of his grasp, he turned around to head back home himself. After about 5 minutes, he started to feel like he was forgetting something. Ah, yes. He forgot to give her the gift he bought her! Patting his pockets until he pulled out the small box with a ring that matched his inside, he jogged back to her house. It would be fast since he wasn't that far and anyways, he was way too eager to wait until tomorrow to see her reaction. His pace slowed as he seen a figure passed out on the ground, a dark substance oozing from their body. It didn't take him any time to identify that it was his best friend and without a second more, he rushed to her side. "Hey, stay with me!!" Seokmin's hand shook as he tried to apply pressure to the wound, at the time he didn't notice how much blood was dripping from two punctures in her neck. She lifted her hand, pointing weakly at the door that was wide open, her key still inside the door knob. His eyes glanced briefly at the door before turning his vision back to her, which was inevitably growing blurry due to the lack of oxygen going to his brain as well as the liquid that was forming in his eyes. Her body fell slack, using her last moment alive to kiss the inside of his wrist. He finally let out a sob, his head dropping and resting his forehead against hers. Then he remembered, her parents. He had to tell her her parents. Gently placing her body back on the pavement, he stumbled as he simultaneously dragged his own body and tried to run inside as fast as possible. He called out for her parents yet he received no response. Still shouting their names until he finally reached their bedroom, he pushed open the door with his shoulder and screamed further in horror at what he seen; there her parents' bodies laid, dead and blood splattered against the walls, painting them as crimson red as his sticky hands were.
soft brown hair, rarely has the confidence or time to dye it. usually if he's not in his hospital clothes, he's often seen in various sorts of clothing, but nothing too far from his comfort zone. Big, blue chunky glasses is what he usually wears outside of work, and wears contacts when he works.
helping other people, sweets, music (since he often works with kids, they'll ask him to sing or play guitar for them), literature, tidyness.
unpredictability, being lied to, people who are unnecessarily mean, seeing others in pain or upset, not being able to figure something out, death.
kind, generous, forgiving (maybe too much), observant, friendly, wishful, stubborn, easily paranoid.
I'm like the sun, burning myself to keep everyone happy.
lover name scroll
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in love since
-5,,,, but I'm a bit slow sometimes srry.
flexi pov, as long as it's detailed.
I mirror what you give me, but pls no one liners.
only poke me after a week please.
I'm usually pretty chill... just don't harass me I guess,,
ooc // scroll
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short plot description here, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel risus aliquet, imperdiet leo id, tristique risus.
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s.eok for the sun loved him so much, she kissed him more.
s.eok strong people are ones who can smile for others’ happiness.
layout by 11chxn
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connection here.
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connection here.
nct dream