
a moment of awareness that someone you’ve known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life

— john koenig
+ jeon heejin
+ 1019 – 21
+ aual
+ libra
roleplayed by kidughlt
+ an essay from grade school

My name is Jeon Heejin, I am 8 years old. I live a hundred, hundred steps away from school with my aunt, my uncle, my cousin. I don't sleep in the house, aunt says that I don't own it. My room is a tiny room in the backyard. I like it. Birds come play. Aunt says I don't have a mom and dad. It's okay, aunt gives me food when I'm hungry. I like reading. I only have 3 books. I read them again, again, again. When I grow up I want to have many money and buy many, many tiny rooms to people. The birds will visit them and they will be very, very happy like me. I see in books they write happily ever after when finish. Happily ever after!

+ as part of the one percent

Perhaps it was her practically lackluster life that drives her to compensate by trying to do the most during the outbreak. Yet, the feeling of not fitting in still remains – and even if she had sighted a couple of sane people during the course of months (or has it been a year, she lost count), she chose to be alone. Although she thinks that it's also the reason why she is still surviving, even those rabid humans—or what were once humans—can't get a whiff of her either. She's not exactly sure why she's trying to survive – or maybe it's because that's all she had ever known, from childhood till present, she has been surviving instead of living.

+ playlist
Gnossienne No.1
erik satie
+ lover
+ full name 
+ date here
+ status

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