Personal Message
- Cha Woonggi
- Age 18
- Position:
- Bottom
- Shifter
- Wolf Shifter
- Positive: Sweet, Bubbly; Negative: Bratty, Clumsy, Empathic
- Empathic: Meaning I can feel emotions from another person, like sadness or happiness. And can be affected by the emotions coming from the other person.
- Woonggi was working on an essay when the ad popped up on his laptop. He knew he should finish his essay so he clicked the 'x' button... Only the ad popped up again a moment later... He went to exit it again... But his curiosity got the better of him and he clicked the ad and then started playing the game.
- Why did he choose this character?
- Answer: A) he loves wolves; B) loyalty suits him; C) he didn't really know what else to choose
- location of his mark
- left thigh