Personal Message
1. Telekinesis
2. Charismatic
3. Enhanced speed
4. Enhanced Strength
5. Fire manipulation
Admin The Vampire Prince Hendrix [Hendery]
Chief of Admissions and Director of FAQs
Name: Wong Kunhang
Nickname: Hendery, Henny
Age: ???
Race: Vampire
Occupation: Vampy prince
S/O: Biual
Status: Single/not looking
Personality: Ruthless, twisted sense of humor, power-hungry
blood-thirsty, chaotic, impulsive, stubborn, two-faced, cruel, cold,
guarded, charming, quick-witted, careless, short-tempered
Vices: Playing with hair, spacing off when bored, smoking
Pets I own: Sun
In a kingdom ruled by a cruel king and queen, Hendery was brought up to learn such harsh ways under the vampire royalty. Hendery was actually a nephew to the king and queen. Before the king was king, his brother (Hendery's father) had the throne. His uncle was always second-rate and never was taken seriously. He didn't like his brother's ruling, thinking it was a mockery of the vampire name. His uncle planned his brother's death alongside his wife. Hendery was only a child at this time. His uncle and aunt slayed the former king and queen, making it look like an accident, and raised Hendery as their own.
Fast forwards to Hendery growing into his teenage years. Hendery was spoiled like a real prince. Everything he could have wanted lay by his feet. His uncle always approved of his studies and the way he acted around nobles and planned on his own ruling. He gave him the task of taking charge of the vampire military. A test to see if he can really pull off what his uncle wants as a ruler. Hendery aced the test by sending the vampire military to pillage and plunder towns and steal livestock from other kingdoms to feed his people. He gave the order to slay anyone who opposed the prince and king. Be it a woman, man, or child. Hendery had a taste for chaos and evil. The real lust for blood and power had just begun.
Things really started to kick off as he grew older and started gaining praise and approval from his uncle and other nobles. His aunt stayed in the shadows working behind her husband. Hendery didn't dare enter relationships with others as he thought it would be just a distraction. However, that didn't stop him from sleeping around. In fact, Hendery was very risque with his affairs. He doesn't discriminate between men nor women. Whether he was submissive or dominant, he didn't seem to mind a loss of control every now and then. And he'd even have an affair with his own uncle or aunt from time to time. The help, nobles, slaves they keep under the castle, earls, counts, or even distant cousins.
Hendery is living his best life, causing destruction and chaos behind him. In his eyes, he sees everyone beneath him as cattle to feed from. Be it physically, psychologically, or emotionally. He's dead set on his ways of bringing fear into others. Either from other creatures or his own people. He wants to fill his uncle's shoes whenever that time comes.