
jaemin. 15 minutes ago Reply

@sehun. ohse-
you beautiful being.
the light to my soul, you could just exist and I wouldn’t
be able to stand properly at the sight of your ethereal
beauty. my hands aren’t worthy of such to embrace 
and if they were, the tips of my fingers would melt 
from works that the gods themselves have crafted
with much thought.

even from one step into the room it’s as if the spotlight 
only shines for you, made specifically to enhance even
the most intricate of details of your features like those
90’s filters people use nowadays. 

if I could- if I were to stick to you like a baby koala,
a baby kangaroo- I would be one of the most happiest
mans- man child, placement holder partner in the 
entire world alongside jaeh.
whoever seems worthy to catch your attention better 
be able to take care of you properly or else someone’s
going to have to sleep with their eyes open .


jaehyun.4:29:54 PMReply

sehun im kidding, there are many princesses but theres just one queen

and that you