
悪 : welcome all ye troubled villains to our first support group meeting ! i am your support group leader, the one, the only, inter-dimensional being of supreme chaos, invisible to all eyes, omniscient and all-powerful - but you may call me the meeting leader. i am merely here to help guide your discussions and enforce the rules, so please come to me if you have any questions or concerns! we'll start by having everyone introduce themselves. please tell us:

- your name
- your villain name (if you have one)
- what's troubling you (doubting your beliefs in evil, your enemy is being annoying, not sure of your purpose in life, can't get this cookie recipe quite right, etc. etc.)
- anything else you'd like to add

after everyone has introduced themselves we can begin talking, whether it's light chatting or in depth discussions. if you're not sure about a topic, or feel like you need a change in topic, feel free to let me, the meeting head, know! 

lastly, please remember that maiming, injuring, fighting, teasing, name-calling, sending-to-another-dimensioning, grievously harming and killing are strictly NOT ALLOWED in the support group meeting. if you break these rules you will be kicked from the meeting, and barred from joining the following meeting. you may return to the meeting after next. 

thank you for participating in our support group, we hope it benefits you!

[ ooc: please respond to this message within 24 hours with a 1 in order to participate in the meeting. if you do not respond with a 1 you will not receive participation points. if you respond with a 1 and do not actively roleplay (post at least 3 times) in the meeting you will not receive participation points. if you have any questions, concerns, etc. please tag the meeting head! if you need ideas for what the group should talk about, or want to know what's allowed, what isn't, etc. etc. please tag the meeting head for that as well. ]