basic information
full name : Lee siyeon
age: 1,342
gender : female
orientation : bi-curious
❛ timezone : gmt -6
relationship status : single
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quirks; q&a.

― likes :  rope, cuffs, gags [o-ring, , your etc], s, s, morning , being ed everywhere, surprise , giving head, really nimble fingers, being called daddy, chocolate, cats, dogs [especially wolves], walking through woods, stuffed animals. 

― dislikes :  spankings, large crowds, bullies, gossips, heights, spiders.

― hobbies : coding [makes short indie video games online], trying to learn more languages, trying weird hacks from the internet then shutting down the site they were on if they were stupid. 

― talents :  her coding skills that she hides from her coven.

― goals :  wants to have a house in the woods with super good wifi. 

― fox form : artic fox.

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19k notes
siyeon couldn't tell you how she came to be. One day she just knew she wasn't human and rolled with it. It wasn't till she met others that she learned she was a vampire. usually, she followed Lupei coven members as they seemed like her. It wasn't until she turned her first human that she learned the truth. she isn't like them. she's different.

siyeon tries really hard to not be shy or introverted but that usually ends with her turning forms and hiding under something. she does open up if she knows someone. her behavior becoming sisterly/motherly unless you start joking with her. She tends to use her normally hidden ed side to tease back unless she can tell you mean it then she hides from you. 
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full name : Lorem ipsum
date : Lorem ipsum
12k notes