
Full Name: Aleksandra Griskaya
Age: 26 yrs. old (vampire age: 162 yrs. old)
Gender and Orientation: Female, Biual.
Species: Vampire
Coven: Stan Coven
Bio: A woman gasping for her very last breath with the mutilation of her body under the hands of the Ripper, the fire within her hair moulding within the crimson of her blood which pooled beneath her.  Aleksandra struggled to stay alive, her body ripped apart, her womb mutilated and crudely torn from her body despite the so-called-medical expertise beneath the hands of Jack.  And within her dire state, another approached.  it was a choice made on impulse, for he couldn't bare to see such a scarlet beauty experiencing her last breaths.  It was on impulse, he had said, turning her.  Once she had awoken from her slumber, Aleksandra found herself ... alive.  breathing.  and beautiful.