Personal Message

「 name 」

gifts from the entity.


do not edit images.

short bio ; ever since he was a young boy shinwon can recall having a fascination with birds. he's not sure when it started - it could have been when he would wake up in the morning to hear his mother cooking breakfast downstairs and the birds singing outside his window, or it could have been when he found his mother's dead body in the woods a few months after her disappearance, crows picking at the remains still attached to her skull. either way, this fascination followed shinwon throughout his life and eventually pushed him into a degree program at university for ornithology. [ time skip some stuff to keep this short ] somewhere around his third year of university shinwon eventually gave into his darker urges, and killed his first victim, a young woman visiting from out of town. shinwon was not the most prolific serial killer. in fact, he can count his number of victims on both his hands at the moment. but the newspapers say that what he lacks in numbers, he makes up for in the cruel and brutal way he ends his victim's lives. [ ah-- um,,, so basically he just likes to drag it out as long as possible w h e ez e that's what i'm getting at ]
weapon ; his weapon of choice is a small variety of hunting knives, since they're made specifically to cut into meat and bone.

twenty five
student, ornithologist
the raven
tracker / connections
◇ s dongju。
◈ forest。

◇ k seulgi。
◈ university。




gallery / visual

reply speed
》― history !
ever since he was a child shinwon can recall having a fascination with birds. he would listen to them in the early morning, when the robins would sing outside of his window while his mother prepared breakfast downstairs. their household consisted of only the two of them - shinwon's father was never present in his life. he lived with just his mother until the age of 11 when she started dating a man who eventually moved in with them.

things were fine for the first three months, and then the man started to show his true colors. he would yell at shinwon's mom, and started to keep tabs on her. the stalking and controlling eventually escalated into physical and emotional abuse, which shinwon was not spared from. he would try to fight the man sometimes, but would only end up getting beat and sent to his room。[more to come ] 
》― foibles !
— at times shinwon can be quite arrogant and complacent since he was never caught as a serial killer before coming to this place. he prides himself on his manipulation and acting skills, but at times he can get caught up in the moment and forget to act like a normal human being.

— shinwon might have some beef with the entity because he desires to kill when and how he wants, neither of which are really allowed here. this agitation could lead to problems for him in the future.

— before coming to this place shinwon's killing style was a lot more drawn-out and (in his mind) almost poetic. he liked to keep his victims alive as long as possible, drawing out their pain and eventual death, while also talking to them. this would make shinwon the last thing they saw and / or heard before dying. 
》― significant other !
》― scenarios !
》― out of character !
gmt-5 / est
3rdpov only - para, semi-para
(novella possible but replies are very slow)

don't ever poke me for a response. i work part-time and attend school full-time, so i'm almost always busy, but i don't forget about replies. i'll get to them when i can (esp. here since i know replies should be quicker for plots). feel free to dm me if you want to plot, chat, etc.