
Full name: Mina Otomonai

Age: 22

Past occupation: Princess of Japan

Short bio [ trigger warning ]: As the only daughter to the Emperor of Japan, Mina was raised with strict discipline in order to carry on the royal bloodline. There was no room for play or error and the scars engraved on her body serve as a reminder. In addition to learning proper etiquette and wifely mannerisms, beauty was the highest standard to maintain. She already kept a diet to keep her thin but starvation was also used as a means of punishment as deemed necessary. At 16, Mina was married off to bear an heir. After years of abuse, she thought she’d hardened and could endure anything. However, the abuse was simply more dehumanizing. She was locked up in a dark basement and had no contact with others, save for when her husband demanded pleasure and the occasional maid who brought one sliced apple. This routine would continue for several years, slowly draining her sanity, until finally reality had become warped. One night, an unlucky maid had been delivering the apple as usual. She would bring a plate with the fruit and a small knife to cut it for the princess. But in a fit of rage and hysteria, Mina attacked the maid and slit . Her sadistic laughs could be heard throughout the palace as she continued her rampage. Before she could reach her husband’s chambers, however, she was captured and detained. Still, she laughed and laughed until they became wails of grief and pain as she was dragged back into the basement. Tied, punished and then alone. She laid on the ground in a pool of her tears and blood when the fog rolled in. She wasn’t curious or afraid. If anything, the world felt like a dream now that she was part of the games.

Mina has two different “moods,” for a lack of a better term. For the most part, she is always high, very detached from her surroundings and others. She is sadistic in this state and revel in killing those who she thought deserved to die. On the other hand, her other “mood” somewhat grounds her. When triggered, Mina would recall her past and be filled with hatred and anger once again. She will become narrow minded yet also erratic, and focus solely on the thing that released her from her high until that high returns.

Mina’s weapon of choice are paring knives as they are small enough to keep hidden but still capable of getting the job done. As she is unstable and rather vengeful, she is The Banshee.



Name: whatever you wanna call me!
Age: 23
Genre: I like all types! But I'm absolutely terrible with ! Still willing to give it a shot though!
Pov: 1st and 3rd are both okay! So are plotting and winging!
Timezone: Gmt-7 / PST but I'm awake at odd hours!