Personal Message

may 31st event: 


Name: Uxía Sawórg (Noble-Born Sun)
Title: The Golden Gunmaster
Cisgendered Male, Demiromantic, Homoual
Relationship Status:
Bottom-Leaning Switch
Age: 200 years old (Appears to be in his mid-20's)
Occupation: Pirate
Alignment: Vos

Learned Powers: Weapon Mastery (he's a quick learner, he can touch a weapon once and within a few moments he would have mastered the weapon then.), Holy Fire Manipulation.
Natural Powers: Rebirth, Fire Manipulation, Fire Immunity

He can generate fire from inside him, as well as use angelic holy fire.
Fast and agile, he relies on his speed and stamina to make up for what he lacks in physical strength.
Practically immune to all kinds of poison save for mercury.