Jin Jungkook
FC: BTS Jungkook
Age: 23
Lanling Jin Pack
3rd Year
Omega, Bottom
Rank: Luna
Name: Jin Hoseok
Date: 01/24/21
Pureblood omega. Unsure of what he wants. A very loving person. Prefers to look after others more so than himself. As he always has. His father was a Hunter and his other father was a Warrior. So Jungkook was taught early how to defend himself.

However Jungkook is very gentle and quiet. That is until little kids are around. Then he's just as hyperactive as they are. He loves taking care of everyone else and always puts himself last. No matter the situation. He could be bleeding out and he'd make sure everyone else around him was okay first.

When Jungkook was very little his parents and younger brother died of unknown causes... And he bounced around from place to place... Only to find out later... That it wasn't unknown... His parents had been murdered... Why? That... No one could figure out...