
currently online!

hajime hinata


◇ multimedia arts.
◇ 24. 01/01/1997
◇debate club president.

Section oo1 : history / about


hajime can be summarized in two words: tired artist. that's what he is now.

though fully japanese, hajime's found himself studying in different countries due to his parents tendencies to move around and teach. both of them were educators, and it was something he'd admired. fortunately, they moved to mostly english-speaking coutnries, so he was pretty much more fluent in that instead of his mother tongue and the multiple other languages that he's forgotten by now.

except for tagalog. before enrolling in en harmonie, he was lucky enough to have stayed in one place for about four years- just the exact time for him to spend high school in some province in the philippines.  

at some point in his stay there, he found an interest in art. and now, he found a university he could spend more time on being in one place, more settled in, more time to make friends along the way without having to forget them after a short while.  

Section oo2 : personality / quirks




blunt and straightforward. high tolerance for anything, but will not hesitate to comment most times.



Information goes here. If you happen to need another line, just hit enter.



Information goes here. If you happen to need another line, just hit enter.



Information goes here. If you happen to need another line, just hit enter.



Information goes here. If you happen to need another line, just hit enter.



Information goes here. If you happen to need another line, just hit enter.



— Quirk here.

— Quirk here.

— Quirk here.

— Quirk here.

— Quirk here.

Section oo3 : their beloved


Name: here.

Date: here.

Status: here.

Phasellus eget nibh turpis. Nullam at nibh at lorem pulvinar rutrum. Proin dignissim porttitor metus, non dictum tortor sodales a. Aenean sapien urna, sodales vitae sagittis eget, tincidunt nec nisi. Vivamus lacinia scelerisque neque vitae dictum. Fusce et consequat leo. Nunc in vehicula justo. Aliquam vel magna ut lorem tempus rhoncus. Aliquam malesuada enim eu tellus dignissim, in commodo elit mattis. Quisque eu ultrices eros, id convallis sapien. In tristique orci eget tristique finibus. Sed tempus facilisis odio non luctus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Section oo4 : out of character



see kokichi.

Section oo5 : scenarios


Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

In luctus, ex vitae pretium accumsan, lacus tortor sollicitudin ante, at placerat massa massa vitae odio. Quisque tincidunt tellus a tellus molestie tempus. Donec enim ligula, mollis sit amet felis eu, gravida egestas nulla. Aenean quis felis non nisi semper dignissim. Curabitur imperdiet, nunc eget auctor rhoncus, odio ligula efficitur quam, sit amet egestas justo neque eget nisi. Vivamus vitae odio nisl. Nunc egestas vel mi vitae lacinia. Etiam dapibus velit cursus eros interdum tincidunt. Aliquam dictum blandit metus, ac semper urna cursus nec. Sed dapibus facilisis velit, non lobortis nisi ornare a. Ut consectetur accumsan porta. Etiam vulputate ut lacus id venenatis. Morbi ac tellus scelerisque, molestie erat non, pretium leo. Vestibulum blandit turpis ac metus lobortis, in cursus augue placerat.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Fusce sed dolor nec libero pulvinar egestas. Etiam sed pretium mauris, et interdum erat. Morbi sapien diam, tincidunt sit amet lacus a, fringilla pretium lorem. Donec ut vehicula lacus, cursus maximus libero. Morbi consequat laoreet interdum. Ut ullamcorper eget arcu vitae aliquam. Nunc augue nisl, vestibulum vel dui id, feugiat tempor lectus.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Duis placerat eros et consequat egestas. Pellentesque quis est porttitor, congue diam ut, imperdiet ligula. In semper porta dolor, eget dictum metus convallis in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar hendrerit risus ac dignissim. Etiam tristique, purus porttitor luctus laoreet, est diam fringilla erat, eu accumsan erat risus sed purus. Sed velit lorem, facilisis in dolor at, posuere semper sem. Donec et viverra arcu. Nam pellentesque orci velit, sit amet commodo turpis condimentum non. Aenean at sagittis arcu. Suspendisse iaculis gravida iaculis. Suspendisse blandit erat sapien, id tempor mi bibendum quis. Curabitur et dapibus nisi, eu malesuada est. Ut tristique sollicitudin blandit.

hajime hinata
multimedia arts
en harmonie e-id
debate club

photography club