Personal Message


Para Writer

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                    Lee Joon                    

181 cm       25 years old       commaner of Soldier       born with the name Changsun



Lee Changsun was the name he was born with. Born and raised in Sector 5 in Midgar or called the Slums, he never really had any special treatment or hope, that he would ever make it to something better in his life. With only 5 years he lost his family, which got attacked by monsters and needed to join a few street kids, which were stealing and everything to survive. Yes, he was indeed a typically ghetto child and only one visit of one of the 1st rank Soldiers changed that. That one man saw more in him than anyone else did and have him the chance to follow him and show him how good he was. Under his strong hand did the young boy train till he passed out, just to reach the rank of a Soldier with only 16 years. The operation with makro was bearable for him and soon he wasn't even stopable anymore. He wanted more, way more than just being a 3rd class Soldier, so he started to work even more and show everyone what he was capable of. And now here he is, commander of Soldier with only 25 of years. The cheerful and kind boy is long gone now, only a cold and strategic thinking man will stand in front of you, who doesn't really have any interest in things like love, relationships or even family. For him only his life as a Soldier exists and of course being a charming to just satisfy his needs, no more and not less. 


Orientation: Straight, but can be curious sometimes

Status: y, free and single | Not interested

Rank: Commander of Soldier, so 1st Class Soldier

Weapons: Sword, Ice Materia {Ice Magic}

Turns on: Shyness, Innocence, Long hair, Big eyes...

Turns off: Dominance, Rudeness, y behavior...