
                    Im Yoona                    

160 cm       17 years old       Living in the Slums      



Im Yoona is a 17 years old girl which is living in the Slums. Her father had once been a Soldier, but he never came back to his family, so she lived a long time along with her mother and her older brother. While her mother got sick and died because of it, she started to work in the mall of the Slums, selling everything she could, while her brother was trying to kill monsters and get some money from Shinra like that. But suddenly one day her brother just disappeared, no one knew if he got killed by a monster or if he just ran away. But Yoona was now alone, only the other vendors in the mall were her friends and she started to slowly hate Shinra and everything which was on their side. Shinra took everything from her, her father, her brother and even her mother, cause they were not down here to sell some medicine or just help the poor people. Actually she is a rather sweet and nice young girl, as long as no Soldiers, Turks or just anyone of Shinra is around. She doesn't really like them and mostly just gets away. She's not the type to scream at them or something, she just doesn't really want to talk to them or anything and she surely wouldn't even sell a single thing to them. 


Orientation: Straight

Status: y, free and single | Not interested | Too innocent for it

Rank: Vendor in the Slums