Personal Message
  rocks - hound dog


34 || radio dj 

Soyeon graduated with a degree in journalism; yet, like many others, she ended up in a field not (directly) related to her degree. Soyeon was actually recommended to the radio station by her mentor, who was one of the more well-known hosts. In the early years of her career, Soyeon had actually liked and had fun from playing songs to interacting with her listeners. She has the morning shift, so her listeners are mainly those who tune into the radio on their way to work. There was also the small blurp of traffic update. However, she soon tired of the routine. She wanted more --- to actually make use of her degree. Hence, when the invitation fell into her lap, Soyeon accepted it without hesitation. Her brief research on SS Valencia was the first foray back into the world of journalism.

Fears: being alone in a deserted area; complete darkness; bugs, insects, and the like