― likes : mint candy, chocolate cake, black coffee, make up, accessories, her pack, her mother, classical music.
― dislikes : summer, loud places, insects, dirt, violence inside the city, criminals, hunters.
― hobbies : playing piano and violin, doing nail polish on her own, shopping on her own, checking on her small pub.
― talents : playing musical instruments (violin and piano), cooking high end cuisines, multilingual.
― goals : ensuring meilan's safety, gettting what she wanted.
― extra : as a jin, she was born a pureblood and has a powerful ability to control people by commanding them on what she wanted them to do it is called Command inducement.
A few months before they moved to meilan, jin yoonseo went back together with her first love and yeji's real father. With a bitter heart towards her father for leaving her for another woman, she instead hated her half-sister, Ryujin. To satisfy her disdainment towards her father, she vented all of it towards ryujin, making her life miserable and always forced her to do things against her will either for yeji's entertainment or anger towards her father. However, deep inside, yeji has a sister complex towards ryujin as she felt incomplete without her siding her just for once.
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