Personal Message

Mystiq Institute

ID #9714038

Name Yeo Sukyung
d.o.b 09.14.1011
Species Vampire
Powers Mind Control, Semi-Immortality, Dream Manipulation, Limited Telekinesis
Timezone GMT-5

Future DPs
Past DPs


Edit Profile

Yeo Sukyung
Fashion and Dance Teacher and club Advisor at Mystiq Institute

new posts
Richard Lee
plotting - pm
Elise Kim
best friend
staff offices - pending starter
Vermilla Rouge
student vampire
staff lounge - tbr
Ambrose Vieux
teacher rivalry
plotting - pm
name here
message here
name here
message here
name here
message here
full name
Yeo Sukyung
date of birth
Sep 14, 1011
1,010 but looks 28
Advisor for Fashion club and dance club
Cheerleading coach
Fashion & dance
C.C, Cali, Cat, Thea, Lili, Hanu
Eye color
Born Brown
turned hazel when she turned
turns red when she needs to feed and a few hours after feeding
love interest
insert here
relationship status
insert here
English, Latin, Greek, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, several dead languages
Mind Control, Semi-Immortality, Dream manipulation
wooden Stakes, needs to feed at least twice a day, more if she uses her powers or drinks animal blood, Vervain plant
Hair Color
Naturally dark brown
usually keeps it between light brown and black
about me
Born in secret as the illegitimate daughter of a Chinese emperor, Hanu was in fact, never supposed to survive. Her mother was a nobody, a Kisaeng of Goryeo who died during childbirth and had no family, and no one knew who the father was. Like most females born like her, Hanu grew up as a Kisaeng as well, and as she got older learned she had an aptitude for performing. However, life wasn't always glamorous, and in fact, her life wasn't even her own.

Years went by and she reached of age, and she realized that she had to do what she was told, regardless of what was asked of her. So when a visiting merchant spoke of other lands, despite knowing the risks involved, Hanu jumped at the chance for a better life in a different land. But this chance wouldn't come to her so easily, for this merchant was quick to sell her to a brothel in this new land. Once again, a life of serving others was all Hanu knew, day in and day out, for years.

Then one faithful day, a woman came in search of apprentices at the brothel. With yells and accusations of witchcraft, the woman was turned away, but Hanu continued to see her around and decided to take a chance and approach her, once again hoping for a chance to change her life. It would turn out that the yells of the village had some truth to them, for the woman was indeed a witch. They spoke for hours in the woman's home as they drank tea, and then Hanu received the exact offer she had been searching for. The witch said to return to the brothel and go about her life as if nothing had changed, but to return to her home in three full moons. As disappointed as she was at having to wait, Hanu agreed and did as she was told.

Upon the night of the third full moon, after everyone had gone to sleep, she snuck out to return to the witch, except the witch was nowhere to be found. Instead, she found two vials and a letter. The letter stated that the first vial would give her what she wanted, but she'd fall asleep and drink the second vial upon waking up. Confused but unwilling to lose what might be her only chance, Hanu quickly downed the drink, only to receive a sharp pain in her chest. When she looked down, she saw a sword sticking out of her, and turned to see that the witch had driven the sword through her heart, darkness quickly overtaking her. She never expected to wake up, and when she did she immediately noticed the difference within her. Her skin was flawless, her senses enhanced, she quickly discovered she was stronger and faster. The witch had once again disappeared, only her clothes in a pile where she had last seen her. Remembering the second vial, she realized what it was as soon as she smelled it. Blood.

A sudden intense hunger filled her and she had downed the vial in seconds, but already she was craving more. But she had always been smart and knew that this wasn't normal, so she pulled herself together and returned to the brothel. Her enhanced beauty made her even more popular than before, and it wasn't long until she discovered she could feed on her customers and then make them forget it ever happened and even heal them. It wasn't until a few years later that she noticed that she wasn't aging, and a few more years after that for others to start to notice. And so started centuries of nomadic life for Hanu, never staying in one place too long as she fed and learned more about herself and what she could do.

She lived a relatively quiet life until the 1870s when she was kidnapped on her way back to her residence. It had somehow gotten out that she was a vampire, and this organization would kidnap the beings and experiment on them "in the name of science." Really it was just a way for them to practice inhumane procedures without worrying about the patient dying. She lost track of time after the first month and has no idea how long she was there, but she learned a lot about her species while there. She learned about her weaknesses as well as her strengths and used them to her advantage.

When she finally escaped, she found that she was able to feed on both humans and vampires and that the powers she already had increased in power slightly. Using the help of another vampire she had gotten close to, she was able to escape and fled as far away as she could get. That's how she found herself in Lunaria. Despite her own learning over the centuries, she was curious what else the school could teach her and so she became a student as a part of the Chronos faction.

Upon graduating, Hanu was given a chance to change her name, and after thinking about it, decided on Yeo Sukyung. She spent three years traveling outside of Lunaria to study fashion, something she had discovered she loved, before returning to become a teacher which she has been for the last 70 years. Paying homage to her roots, she also recently took up the dance teacher position 30 years ago.
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date here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
Out of Character
hello peeps, babyqueen here! you can call me by my username, my characters' names, or by my nickname Nikki. I don't mind new nicknames either so feel free to have a go lol. my timezone is GMT-4 or -5 depending on the time of year (screw you daylight savings). I usually just say GMT-5 though because I'm lazy. I'm the main admin here so feel free to pm me if you have any comments, concerns, or questions. However, since I have more than one character here, for the sake of organization I ask that you send any admin-related PMs to my admin character, Liliana Haiz.

On the topic of PMs, they are mostly for plotting and ooc talk or admin-related things. I prefer to plot and write in 3rd pov but I can also do detailed 1st pov. My length varies and I will usually try to mirror what you give me, but I can go from script to multi-para. It's very rare especially nowadays that I will do novella. I prefer to rp in rooms but I don't mind moving sensitive moments (whether it's triggering or ) to PMs if my writing partner prefers that. I like to keep my wall as clean as possible as this is where I'll be keeping notes/updates on my character that don't need to be in their profile.

OOC I am 24 years old. Because of this, my characters may be involved in mature content. This includes but is not limited to violence, triggering plots, and . Proper warnings will be posted where applicable. I don't have many triggers in regards to roleplaying so I'm always open to doing darker plots. I also love plots with angst and drama but will never say no to other genres.

I am usually pretty good at keeping track of who I'm roleplaying with and where so I don't need to be poked. Please refrain from doing so as it will only result in me actually wanting to reply less even if I have high muse for our plot. That being said, if it's been more than 5 days since my last reply and I'm not on hiatus and you see I'm active, feel free to send me a reminder as chances are in this case the reply got lost in my notifications.

Despite everything I just said, I'm a relatively chill person. Feel free to hit up any of my characters to plot and roleplay, and don't be afraid to talk to me ooc as well! happy roleplaying!