Personal Message

From childhood's hour I have not been. As others were, I have not seen. As others saw, I could not awaken. My heart to joy at the same tone. And all I loved, I loved alone.

— edgar allen poe
the prince
hwang hyunjin





basic information
full name
hwang hyunjin
22 years old
red, yellow, blue, green
love intrest
Chris / fiance
writing pov

Foster care wasn't so terrible, it definitely could have been a lot worse. He grew up in seven or eight different homes, he doesn't really remember them much. They weren't bad places, a few of them were decent people but none of them left a lasting impression on him. It wasn't their fault, it was his. He always kept a distance between himself and others. He always kept a wall there, never letting anyone in. It's something that never changed about him now that he's an adult and figuring out life on his own.

It really wasn't the foster care that was the problem. Hyunjin was a stubborn and independent kid, convinced he was indestructible. Or maybe just too miserable to care what happened to himself. Even the close calls, the near deaths, the hospitalizations, he never cared enough about himself to stay out of trouble. It really wasn't surprising that one day his luck just ran out. 

He had always been a pretty kid, always drew the wrong kinds of attention. Eventually that wrong kind of attention caught up with him and he was forced into work, taken from a bus stop with the promise of something to eat and a couch to crash on. They hooked him on heroine to keep him complacent. He counts it as a blessing. He was always too high, too ed up, to really be aware of what was happening to him. It kind of just happened around him, he wasn't there for it, just his body was. 

Taehyung found him when he busted the trafficking ring. Neither of them really know how long Hyunjin had been there. Long enough to be more dead than alive. It was hell to recover from, but Taehyung was patient and he refused to give up on Hyunjin even when Hyunjin had already given up on himself. Eventually he did get better, he found his footing and found himself again. He talks about what happened sometimes, but always too casually, always making jokes or brushing it off like it was nothing. He prefers it that way. It's easier to think of it like it was just a bad dream.


None that he knows of, or wants to remember. He's gained a new family from the club though. His mom Hyungsoo, his fiancé Chris, and his kids; Rosie, Jimin, Jungkook, Soobin, and Yutaro. He also includes his (reluctant) best friend Meto  in his family.


He's quite prickly at first, tending to be cold or insulting when he first meets someone new. It's not something he does on purpose, it's a default setting, a force of habit. He pushes people away on instinct to protect himself. He is trying to get better about it though. He can at least recognize when he's being a for no reason, but he's still a for no reason a lot of the times.
Once you get the chance to know him he's much less difficult. He tends to be very caring, he worries about the people he loves very much, tries to take care of them as best as he can. There's a reason he's become the 'dad' of his friend group despite being the youngest. 
He will solve his problems with violence, and he always knows a guy if you need something done or taken care of. He's never had a family before the club and he's fiercly protective of the one he has managed to create for himself.   


Cuddling, especially with his fiance or his kids. Gushing over how adorable his daughter is. Spending time with friends.


Cold. Cold desserts, cold weather, being cold in general. He hates it, and he's very sensitive to cold. It triggers PTSD episodes and he tries to avoid those.


Art, he likes to draw and paint. He's also working on his tattooing skills since his fiance owns a shop and he wants to help as much as he can.


To build a stable career for himself so he can provide for his family. And to be a better person tomorrow than he was today.


He tries to fix everyones problems, and doesn't think about putting the same effort into his own. He tries to love other people harder to make up for the lack of love he feels for himself. 

full name
Christopher bang

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