Personal Message
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
basic information
posted 3 hrs ago
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full name
choi beomgyu
love interest
happily taken by Jimin
zodiac sign
about me
posted 5 hrs ago
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Beomgyu will often joke that he wasn't born a disappoinment, he just became one as soon as he could walk. Growing up as the only child to very strict parents who believed in tough distant love did a number on Beomgyu's emotional health. He was under no illusion that he was ever loved as a child, because he knew he wasn't, at least not by his parents. He had nannies from time to time who truly cared for him but none of them stayed long enough to make much of an impact on his childhood. So Beomgyu grew up being constantly told he didn't have the right friends, didn't have enough friends, didn't have high enough grades, wasn't in enough sports, or enough clubs, wasn't good enough at sports. He pushed himself in high school to be in every club it was possible for him to be in, and every sport. He spent every evening training, practicing, or studying. The only friends he had were casual ones because he was never allowed to socialize outside of school. He graduated high school at the top of his class, and was even one of his class speakers but of course his parents hadn't attended. His speech hadn't been good enough anyway.
University didn't start out any differently for Beomgyu. His parents were paying for it, because he hadn't gotten the full ride scholarship to the University they wanted him to attend, and they wouldn't allow him to go anywhere else. He was immediately put to work as an intern as his father's real estate investment company. Which meant any time not in class was generally spent in an office either listening to people talk about spreadsheets and properties, or being told his clothes were too wrinkled, his hair was too long, he wasn't sitting up straight enough, he hadn't gotten the report done quickly enough. He tried desperately to tune it out, and to some extent he managed to. Things didn't really change for him until he over heard one of his father's associates talking about a local club they'd been wanting to check out. Curiosity got the better of Beomgyu and he did some google searching and found out about a place called Black Paradise. Now Beomgyu had some experience with , he dated a girl in high school for about a month and that's when he found out he was gay. He dated a boy for about a week, and that's when he realized that wasn't exactly that great. It wasn't until he was bored and on the internet trying to figure out what was that a few things in his life started to shift.
Perhaps wasn't the best teacher, but it gave him context and visual understanding of the things he'd read about. The down side was that Beomgyu wasn't exactly an adventurous kind of person, so for nearly a year he just watched videos to satisfy his curiosities and any odd desires that might flare up. It wasn't until he was starting to find the men his father worked with far too attractive that he realized he might have a problem. So, for the first time in Beomgyu's life he decided to start lying to his parents. He invented club meeting and activities that kept him out late and he finally became a member of Black Paradise. Walking into the club was terrifying, becoming a regular there was almost worse.
posted 7 hrs ago
posted 8 hrs ago
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— likes
snacks, cuddles, positive attention, games, older men.
— dislikes
anger, being yelled at, bitter flavors, his parents, real estate, business meetings.
— hobbies
still learning them.
— goals
to be independant.
— extra
sensitive, especially to disappointing people. Quite easy to please as cuddles will always make him happier.
posted 9 hrs ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
name asked
do you have any phobia?
out of character
posted 10 hrs ago
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

Name: Choi Beomgyu
Age: 20
Position: Sub

Kinks: Praise, spanking, cross-dressing, roleplay, Daddy doms

Main things to know: He grew up as an only child to a very wealthy family. His father owns a real estate investment company and he expects Beomgyu to take over for him when he's old enough. His parents do not know about the club, or any other extracurricular activities their son gets up to.
Beomgyu's biggest kink is older men. He's highly attracted to older men, something he learned in a very unfortunate business meeting that he still won't talk about.