Personal Message

full name: Ra’seca Pastova (goes by Nani)
faceclaim: kim jisoo
age: 25
species: daq'i
occupation: intelligence collector (black market spy)
short bio: Ra'seca spent her earliest years on Y'amo, the tropical warm and welcoming planet of the galaxy. She remembers her mother, how good of a woman she was. Ra'seca's father slept and ate in their home but was a job-less addict to venom and remained absent in his presence. All was well until Ra'seca was 13, where her mother had no money or objects to offer to her husband. But he could not stand the withdrawal symptoms, and forced his daughter to give him her saliva, at the threat of taking his and her mother's life. Ra'seca did so, but this was not the end of it. Even when Ra'seca and her mother tried to move and keep the father out of their lives, he always came back. Ra'seca came home from school one day to find her mother being beaten to a pulp. "Run!" but even as she heard her mother's plea, someone came from behind and wrapped a cloth over the teenage girl's mouth. She woke up in the back of a pawn shop, chained to a wall. "welcome to teccypos" a old main with a taser greeted her as she woke. (more will be written in description)

likes: street food, daggers, little animals

fears: the dark, her mother's death



- Starters @observation deck (TAKEN) (replied)

- Naalo @red light district (replied) 

PM me if ya wanna plot!!! :D