Personal Message
Bryan Dechart
Age unknown
 Versatile  Monogamous
Romantic and friendships
For this android, Bryan Dechart has been in and out of the market; likely to not have been noticed by fellow lovers due to the past couple customers that rented him long term. An artifical robotic entity with history, his story is a bittersweet one.

We will begin by telling the tale of how he was blindly chosen to be the sidekick for a stern lieutenant named Randall. How said officer discovered Build-A-Lover's business was through that of his daughter who rented her own Lover. Albeit mainly for those looking for a romantic partner, she saw no wrong in Lovers being available for friendship as being used for potential partners involved in crime. As the pair scrolled through the catalogue it didn't take long for Randall to make his choice, against his child's better judgement. A soft-hearted individual such as Bryan couldn't possibly cut it in law force, but for the entire duration of the trial or what Randall called the android's " training ", not a single complaint was uttered.

He purchased Bryan, though to both parties' misfortune he was brought back to Build-A-Lover HQ a couple weeks later after pathetically failing a task on the job involving a runaway criminal. Bryan managed to successfully chase them down and even corner them, but when Randall managed to catch up and see Bryan hesitating to pull the trigger at mirrored gunpoint with the felon, he wasn't thrilled.

" What are you waiting for, you moron?! Shoot him! Do it! "

(TW: mild gun violence)

He wanted to wait for the criminal to drop his weapon, for he wasn't keen on violence being the solution, but with the pressure of the lieutenant barking at him from behind, he had no other choice. His shaky hands went to steady their aim in which he proceeded to fire once only to unfortunately miss the criminal by mere inches. In turn this gave the latter an extra minute to retaliate by firing a few rounds into Bryan's chest, causing him to stumble backwards and collapse. He may not have died that day, however, the person they were after was free for another as they fled the scene. Rather than accepting the loss, Randall had other plans in mind. 

Bryan remembers none of it. 

Moving on to his second customer, a sweet old lady named Ruth, she got introduced to Build-A-Lover through the retirement home's staff. They are who supplied ideal company fot their residents and she, too, wanted to see what the business was all about. After actually taking note of Bryan's characterisitics, she rented him. They got along swimmingly, practically entitling one another as the other's best friend and peacefully embracing the companionship thirty minutes a day amongst the rainbow collective of flowers in the retirement home's garden. 

" You know what I think of whenever I visit this garden? It's that whether you're an elegant flower or a mere weed, your differences are what makes a garden it's most beautiful. " 

(TW: subtle death mention)

Ruth said this to him the day before she comfortably passed away in her sleep. Her sense of wisdom and philosophy is one reason why Bryan adored the old woman, though nothing impacted him harder than that very set of words. Death may have removed Ruth from his life, but Ruth brought death to his biggest insecurity. Today- and until his next trial- he occasionally stops by the mansion's own garden to claim a few moments of serenity just like he and Ruth used to. 

Bryan remembers all of it. 
Personality + Trivia
Positive : empathic, loyal, friendly, curious

Negative : hyperfixates, anxious, pacifist, timid 

Likes : gardens, animals, exploration, learning, the color blue

Dislikes : the fact that he can't eat what he creates in the kitchen, being overwhelmed, difficult situations, witnessing those he holds dear in any state that isn't positive and healthy

Hobbies/skills : cooking, activities that require brain power (i.e. puzzles, chess, rubik's cube), playing the piano

Trivia : can do coin tricks, fidgets when he's anxious, dissociates when overwhelmed, occasionally wears glasses for show, has three bullet wound scars on the left side of his chest, got his memories with Randall erased, kept his memories with Ruth, 

(see my main character, Oliver Sykes for ooc info)

Name / Location / Status
Name / Location / Status 
Name / Location / Status 
Name / Location / Status
