ooc tings

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. I will plot with you, I will brainstorm with you, but we have to be able to have an actual conversation. Do not bother approaching me if you are going to expect me to come up with the plot by myself. If that's the case-- go choose from the plots I already have posted. I am absolutely okay with random starters as long as you stick to the rules in this ooc section.

TIME ZONE & PACE. GMT-8/PST. My pace varies depending on the plot size and literacy, as well as my ooc life and muse. I will keep you updated throughout responses, so please do not poke me before 2 weeks of silence.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. I am 26 years old. In order to do Mature Threads I expect you to be 21+ and will be asking. As for the thread itself, we can discuss the content in the case of choosing to commit to a mature plot.

WRITING STYLE. My style varies between para and novella. Depending on my muse and ooc schedule I lean more towards literate, light novella. Currently I am busy and so I will be writing in semi-literate, multi-para third person. I do not expect you to also use third person, however I do wish for mirrored responses. I too will mirror your responses. If you would like me to start the thread I will, however my starters are always abnormally sized. Please do not base your responses on the size of my starter.

GENRE LIMITS. I will plot anything other than romance. The only times I will plot romance is; 1: I have posted a connection searching for a partner or, 2: I have posted a plot searching for an ex.

TAGGING. I do not want anything on my wall. Threads are to go in rooms and rooms only unless the plot is a mature thread, in which pms are the appropriate location.

BIG NO-NOS. Poking me before 2 weeks. GOD MODDING. Plotted Romance. IC drama involving my characters without prior consent.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): Oliver, Olli, Liv.
  • Date of Birth: 13 October 1995 (Age 27).
  • Zodiac Sign: Libra.
  • Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea.
  • Nationality: Korean-American.
  • Current Location: Los Angelos.
  • Known Languages: Korean (native), English (fluent).
  • Occupation: Dancer, Student.
  • Romatic Orientation: Homoromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Homoual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS: @livthestar.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 174cm (5’8.5″).
  • Weight: 63 kg (138 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown.
  • Piercings: 5 Ear Piercings.
  • Tattoos: 0
  • Scars: One above his right eye from a tiny incident as a child.
  • Personal Aesthetic: Loose-fitting clothing, minimalistic in nature, simple and monotonous colors, cute accessories, oftentimes wearing jewelry such as rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces when not on stage, tends to wear leg warmers and the likes.
The Story

Hyunjin Hwang

Chapter I

Everyone has different methods of dealing with grief. Some cry it out, shedding tears hotter than the pain they feel within. Others, will feel anger as red hot as the sun-- an anger that burns a hole into the soul and eats through their very being until they snap. Hyunjin however, is not like either of those examples. On the night of his 16th birthday, as their little patchwork family of five sit around the dining table.. little did Hyunjin know it would be the last moment his life felt a semblance of peace. 

Peace is a very fragile concept. It is much like heaven in the way that most have never experienced it. Peace is a myth, false hope fed to those who know the cold bitter truth of the world and their whole purpose within it. To exist, to do absolutely nothing of value to the universe, and then-- to die. And so, as Hyunjin blew out his birthday candles, and his father’s brain matter spattered across the table, he had his first taste of what his own destiny would be. Pain. Suffering. Endless grief. Like aforementioned, many handle grief in different ways. One more example; ignorance. To shut it out completely, wiping the emotion behind the memory and replacing it usually with one singular feeling. That is how Hyunjin deals with his trauma.
On the night of his 8th birthday Hyunjin found out that his father was a member of a drug cartel. His parents were murdered on his 8th birthday, this is true.. as was his innocence.
Chapter II

✶ ⁞   tw。violence, drugs, murder

"Don’t you worry kid. This place is nice and welcoming, and you will get along just fine with the other kiddos inside. If you ever need anything you can ask the Director, okay? His name is--”

Hyunjin tuned the social worker out, staring around at the drab walls and inhaling the scent of mothballs and bleach with a bleak expression. His fingers tightened around the teddy he had brought from home. It was a matching teddy he shared with his brother, Hyunsoo. The two had been gifted them on Christmas the last year… and now they would most likely never see each other again. Hyunsoo and their younger sister had been taken in by his step-mother’s family, them having wanted nothing to do with the child belonging to the man who was responsible for their daughter’s death. Hyunjin didn’t understand why.. but he couldn’t understand why anything was happening how it was. He tightens his grip around the bear’s throat, heart racing as he tunes out the man.

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula.”

The Vibes

MBTI (estj)
He possesses great fortitude, emphatically following his own sensible judgment. He often serves as a stabilizing force among others, able to offer solid direction amid adversity. He tends to be organized, loyal, and hard-working. He is a good, law-abiding citizen with a desire to lead and is very principled, thriving when helping and encouraging others to follow a set of beliefs and values.
Moral Alignment
Neutral Good. Neutral Good people value freedom and will protect others' freedom as long as it's not used to do harm. Likewise, they respect and will try to obey laws, again, as long as they're not used to do harm. They have fairly normal lives and ambitions, but will do good as the situation arises. They will help anyone they come across who needs it, then get back to their normal routine. For them, Goodness is an Ideal as well as (or, less likely, instead of) an obligation. They believe in doing what is Right and may sacrifice personal happiness, perhaps even in advance, in pursuit of that.
Strengths: Honest, Optimistic, Self-Aware, Natural Leader, Creative, Courageous, Kind, Honorable.

Likes: Dancing, Stretching, Stargazing, Café Hopping, Reading, Thunderstorms, Snow Globes, Cats, Soft Clothing Items.
Weaknesses: Naïve, Sensitive, People Pleaser, Perfectionist, OCD, Self-Critical.

Dislikes: Clutter, Scary Movies, Closed Spaces, Animal Cruelty, Scarecrows, Really Bad Jokes, Disrespectful Behavior, Manipulative People.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Dancing, Aerial Silks, Running, Collecting Charms, Houseplants, Stargazing.

Good Habits: Loves Self Care Routines, Does Not Procrastinate, Hardworking, Ethical, Kindness Above All.

Bad Habits: Forgets About Himself, Stubborn, Blunt In Awkward Situations.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: He sleeps with a nightlight because he is terrified of the dark.

Secrets Kept to Themself: He is gay. Only his sister and close friends know. He is too scared to tell the family-- why should he give them another excuse to hate him?

Known Fears: Closed Spaces, Deep Water, Heights, Permanent Injury.

Unrecognized Fears: Death, Marriage, Loneliness, Failure.
Other Personality Quirks
Often fidgets with his hair, is ambidextrous, laughs bodily when excited, tends to be extremely clumsy despite being a dancer, believes in lucky items (clothing, jewelry, etc.), is a very superstitious person and believes in karma.


christopher bang
Relationship Level
familial / leader ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Antagonistic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Romantic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Professional ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Familial ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
& in the end, isn't that what we all want? to not feel so... split? To carry an image of ourselves, inside ourselves & know exactly what we mean-- I..
#diamond in the rough
There are hundreds of me's inside me. I'm facing a new me again today. It's all me anyway.