I don't judge people on their worst mistakes.
— Natasha Romanoff.
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Conquer the season of darkness by opening a door to your own light. When you are willing to shine a light upon your darkness and make it submissive to the light, you are reborn a hero.
positive traits
adaptable, calculative, logical and clear-headed, neat (extremely neat, his living quarters look hardly lived in besides the lack of dust that would gather from not being used), loyal to his cause and the horizon members.
negative traits
cold (oftentimes seemingly emotionless and hard to read), hard to gain his trust, but incredibly easy to lose it, apathetic (not the best to vent to unless you want his blunt answers).
quiet, he'd be perfectly content to sit in a room alone with no noise, he does enjoy sweets and cats, but doesn't necessarily make the connection that they act as comforts to him, the way the skies turn dark/green before a storm, training.
messes, unorganized spaces, whenever his weapons aren't cleaned properly, loud noises/people, not really a fan of storms, it's not so much a dislike, but more like he doesn't understand how people can show their emotions or wear their hearts on their sleeves.
running drills and creating strategies for horizon, running meetings, cleaning, he does enjoy reading whenever he can find a free moment, he can also cook if he is required to, training.
there isn't much that jeongin fears as he was trained from a very young age to lose "weak" emotions like fear, but deep down he does have a fear of being left on his own with no purpose, horizon gives him a purpose so he fears losing those he cares for.
fashion style
when not wearing training gear, he's usually sporting anything within the realm of tech wear and monochrome black/white color palettes, he doesn't really branch out past that unless it's required for a mission.
extra note
missions will always come before personal feelings, although he's never had to before, he would likely allow a teammate to be sacrificed if that was the only way to succeed in their mission.
fatal flaw
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trials and tribulations
chapter one
jeongin was orphaned at a young age, his parents government spies that got caught up in their pursuit of a normal family life. he's not old enough to remember how it had happened, but from all the horror stories he had been fed growing up so he didn't follow down their path, it had been a gruesome night.
they had just settled into the countryside away from the dangers of living in the city, but also away from any protections their agency could have provided for them in time. his parents had semi-retired from the spy life, choosing to raise him away from everything, but they were good spies and had put targets on their backs.
an enemy they had been hunting for years, and had also been presumed dead after a particularly gruesome mission, found their location through a data breach and appeared to slaughter the family Voldemort style without the magic. jeongin only managed to survive because, although they had retired from the spy life, their training and paranoia never quite left them, and they were able to hide their son before the torturing could begin.
by the time help arrived from an alert, the toddler's parents were long dead. only a note left behind indicated of the child's whereabouts and he was taken in under the government's wing, a trial for a new (questionably ethical) program they wanted to run. it's not like he had any guardians to sign off on a permission slip, so he was the perfect qualifier.
chapter two
and a perfect fit he was for the program.
because of his young age, jeongin's mind was susceptible to being manipulated in anyway the government pleased. he becomes exactly what they were striving for: a trained assassin with no emotions to hinder the missions he was sent out on. really, he was more robot-like than human if you were to meet him, even a smile on his features was a rare sight to see.
it wasn't surprising to see how quickly he went up through the ranks even at such a young age. by sixteen, jeongin was already being sent on solo assassination missions, coming back the same way he left no matter what gruesome scene he had just created. he became known as bastet for how quietly he could move around and his abnormal agility skills, resembling the felines he was so fond of.
if anyone were to ask about his parents, he wouldn't have any answer beyond that they were good operatives with silly dreams. he knows relationships and families have no place in his line of work, and he won't fall like his parents had.
chapter three
now at the age of twenty-one, jeongin is the deputy sergeant of horizon. he's one of the youngest of his team, but his leadership abilities are undeniable, and the government can trust that he wouldn't be too softhearted in the event a horizon member became a traitor for the other side.
he's known and unknown by his team at the same time, often seen on his own partaking in training or his hobbies if there's a rare off moment. he doesn't really socialize with his team as interactions quickly become awkward due to his inability to connect to what other's are saying.
over time, though, he did develop the ability to express emotion on his facial features, save for his gaze that always looks a little on the dead/robotic side. being the leader of horizon will either be his greatest achievement or his greatest downfall. there isn't really any grey area for him regarding that.
nameno one
dateday of month, year
statusnot looking
Love is for children; I owe him a debt.
— Natasha Romanoff.
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played by sappai
out of character
timezone: gmt -7
writing format: 3rd pov para
activity: 07/10
muse: 08/10
speed: 06/10
If you're coming into my dms asking to rp, please have a loose idea in mind and make sure you've read over all of jeongin's information. "I'm good with anything" kind of defeats the purpose of plotting and makes it harder on the other person. Let's make this collaborative!
‣ writing style
Typically, I would say I write 3rd pov multi para to novella, but right now my replies will be more like para to multi para just for time and energy purposes or you might wait years for a reply from me. If I have the muse for it, I make write a lot, but never feel pressured to match my length.
‣ plotting
Depending on the day, I might be more susceptible to winging threads over plotting, but generally speaking, plotting will usually win out. Even if it's little back and forth headcanoning or pre-established connections, I'm down for anything. Just communicate what you wanna do and I'll bounce off of it.
‣ reply speed
admin has a full-time job that is usually always extremely short-staffed and as the weekend manager, I work 40+ hour weeks, so replies will honestly be on the slower side. I don't mind poking as sometimes I forget to give a heads up to being busy, but please give me a week to two weeks before poking just because I might honestly be dead at work. If I have the muse and time/energy, though, you might get a response very quickly. Just don't assume that's the standard for all of my replies.
full name
yang jeongin
d. sergeant
r/s status
ahead by a century
the tragically hip
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active