Personal Message

cats, chocolate, hiking, mountain climbing, cleaning, fashion, art, makeup, pineapple juice, fruits, painting, tattoos, piercings, freedom
birds, sprite, stupid questions, fake people, france (particularly paris), large social gatherings, strawberries, biking, sand, the cold
smoking (cigarettes), quick to anger, hedonism, jealousy, possessive
subconscious swaying while sitting or standing, speaking quietly, humming absentmindedly, playing with her hair, his lips, covers his mouth when smiling/laughing, speaking to himself, fiddles with his earrings
english, korean, many others
climbing mountains, drawing, running, watching crime show documentaries, working on his motorcycle, working out
completing the seven summits
early days
born june 15, 2002
pohang, south korea
ages 0-4
he was born on june 15, 2002 to a young couple who weren't prepared for a second child much less the first one they had before him. he didn't have a name when he was born, and he was almost immediately neglected when hhe was at home. his mother would often lock him into the closet when he was crying, and his mother would forget about him while shooting up heroine. one of his first memories of life was his older sister holding his hands as he learned how to walk, calling him her "precious little wolf cub". soon after that, his sister disappeared. when he was four years old, the police responded to a call of domestic violence, and they found a four year old child sitting in the middle of an alcohol puddle in the kitchen while his father was being handcuffed and his mother was laying on the ground with blood on her head completely unmoving.
october 17, 2007
undisclosed location
ages 5-13
when he was taken to the orphanage on jeju island, he was named by the matron before they immediately separated him from the others, taking in his backstory into account. he was soon adopted by a lovely woman that turned out to be not so lovely, and he was taken to an undisclosed location to immediately start training. he quickly proved that he was incredibly smart and passed all of their tests with ease, staying small due to his stunted upbringing but bulking up to become strong. he was praised for his insanely high intelligence and was paraded around the home he was living in, receiving jealous stares and even having to fend some of them off throughout the night as they tried to get rid of him.
april 3, 2015
new york city, new york
ages 13-17
when he turned thirteen, the matron of the house relocated him from the home to new york city, deciding that he could no longer learn more from her and needed more training from other resources. he was immediately taken in by a notorious gang, and he only did petty stealing and drug runs when he started out in the gang to prove his loyalty to them. once the gang realised that he could get away with anything simply by batting his eyelashes, they had moved him up into bigger drug smuggling operations. he was being blackmailed into the operations since he had his own agenda, of course, but that didn't stop the whispers and rumours of the gang's secret assassin, “nightingale”, from being spread all over the streets. when he was seventeen years old, he was finally arrested on a sting in the middle of an operation, but nobody in his gang would help him out, not wanting jail time as well, and his matron had stopped all contact with him when she had left him in new york. because of this, he was tried as an adult. because he couldn't afford a lawyer on his own, he was sent to federal prison for fifteen years with the possibility of parole after five
january 7, 2019
rikers island
ages 17-18
after making it to rikers island, he was introduced to many of the other gang members who were in for whatever reasons (theft, burglary, even a couple for homicide against rival gang members). they treated him surprisingly well, to the point where they called him a queen. he didn't confess to any of the crimes, but he knew that they had heard the whispers just like the cops and everybody else on the streets. nightingale had been a dangerous person, doing what they could to survive in a world that didn't love them, and taking on that moniker for the first time, he fit right into prison life. he gambled for cigarettes, to which he became addicted to; he won more courtyard fights than the others because of his training, he was even gifted a cell of his own on a block rather than a crowded area where all the other criminals were held. soon, other gang members started to show her respect, treating nightingale like the queen that his gang made him out to be in prison. nightingale was always able to get himself out of trouble in prison, stating self defense for each the three people that he had shanked and murdered and staying out of the drugs that others were trying to bring into the concrete walls. for the short time he was there, he truly was the queen of rikers island.
release & reset
november 19, 2020
seoul, south korea
ages 18-present
when an affiliate of his was staging a riot, he managed to escape from the prison and used his many connections within both the gang and the assassin world to get back to south korea. there, he originally joined venom and kept his identity and background a secret, taking on an assassin role and becoming something of a black widow. when he was on his way home from a target, however, he decided to save a cop and immediately switched sides, joining horizon and falling into the mechanic role. he fell in love with cars and bikes, and getting access to that much and more was something very exciting. he chose a civilian name for himself as well, yeosang, and keeps his background a complete secret.