Personal Message
✎ Jung Wooyoung
Wooyoung grew up poor in the big city, he had to learn the hard way that life wasn't always skittles and rainbows. His family raised him to be caring for others, but slowly as he enter his teen years his heart became cold. He was smarter than most people around him, that alone drove him mad. When he started to play with computers, he had fallen in love.
The way he control others by hacking into personal information, black mail and his own personal power helped him release he could be using his talent in other places. When he turn twenty he decided to join one of the mafia groups in town 'The Horizon'. He was quickly accepted for his skills, many knew him as 'The Knight' he loved to play chest games (mind games) with others until he got what he wanted.
When he join it only took him two weeks, to destroy his competition, besides being able to work with computers, his weapons knowledge and skills were amazing for the family he had join. He had been sent on couple of missions and made it through of them. He always wonder if he would ever meet his match in this world largest chest game. . .
Wooyoung personality is a bit twisted, but he cares about others, especially when he grows close with them. He would give his life for his brothers, he swore loyalty until the end. . ..