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quote of the day
dear self, you made me a queen.

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When hye jin first emerged from the lab, she was immediately bought by an unknown owner who had her shipped from Korea to China. From her earliest memories, she was kept in a large mansion and was brought to lavish parties and was presented as her master's wife. She was given all of the things even if she didn't ask for it but despite being made artificially from a lab, she soon started developing emotions into her own system and often got lonely as when there's no events to go to, she's left at home with maids and butlers around her.

All that hye jin knows is she's just there to be a trophy wife who was taught what to say and as time passed by, she memorized what to give as a response to her master who is a known businessman in the country. She was there for more than a decade before the business man suddenly want nothing to do with her and despite being able to use her and her abilities just dumped her like an unwanted doll and sent her back to Korea while deactivated. This had hurt her deeply and she was reminded of her roots from the time she was made from the lab and her other half as a siren as to why they hate men.

From then on, she became very protective of herself and those whom she's close to. Customers and creatures like her often tell her that she's stand offish and she doesn't care as long as she's able to protect her emotions. She hates the feeling that she's just an option and won't settle for anything less. She's not the most forgiving of the girlfriends as well as one mistake and she'll end the relationship and cut someone off her life as fast as she had let them in hers.

hye jin is often times observing people as she likes doing so but she's also one to not start a conversation unless she's spoken to. due to her past experience, mei likes to test people first before fully letting them in her life.

hye jin can often be found in the lake deep in the woods in her siren form or in the library of the mansion where she likes to pick up books that she piles up and finishes day and night until she forgets that time has passed.

she's also into growing plants and checks on the garden every now and then to make sure that each plant is well kept and alive. 
when not busy with the above mentioned activities, she's just in the main room watching people come and go, listening to conversations and using those to learn more about the people that are around her with the way they interact with another customer or fellow girlfriend or boyfriend.
ooc notes:

gmt+ 8
3rd pov & very detailed 1st
no one liners

no ghosting in plots
if unresponsive, boop after 2 days

plots goes here... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.