Personal Message

Character's full name: Yeo Hwanwoong
Character's nickname: Woongie, Sloth, Peanut, Dachshund
Age: 23
Birth date: August 26th 1998
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: Small apartment in the east
Job title: Camboy, e
Employing company: Self Employed
Income: Just enough to cover rent
Relationship status: Taken
Orientation: Biual
Languages: Korean, Limited English
Background: Born to a e and a man of god Hwanwoong had an interesting childhood. His mother hadn't wanted a child but had agreed that she would carry it until term and then Hwanwoong's father could raise the child. Sunghyon was in love with Hyesoo and was hopeful that seeing their child would have been enough to make her change her mind but instead, she did as she had promised. Giving birth to Hwanwoong and then leaving the two men alone to live their life together. It had been heartbreaking to Sunghyon, but he accepted her wishes and put all of his heart into raising Hwanwoong in the best way he could. Hwanwoong grew up loved, a little overprotected and as a child of god. It was a good childhood, he did well in school, learnt martial arts, and the guitar and sang in the choir. He had friends, though he rarely spent much time with them outside of school. Growing up he was the picture of innocence, his father kept most of the darker side of things from the young boy, always afraid he would fall for a similar lifestyle to his first love. They were happy just the two of them and neither of them thought they needed someone else in their life. That was until Hwanwoong turned 16.

Almost the day of his birthday his mother showed up once more. Hwanwoong knew next to nothing about this woman. Sunghyon had rarely spoken of her and Hwanwoong had never felt a need to know anything about her either. He focused on the things that were in his life, not those that had left him. But, suddenly here she was and she wanted to be a part of their life now. Sunghyon was a little apprehensive about this, but still loving Hyesoo he agreed to let Hwanwoong spend a day with her for his birthday. A part of Hwanwoong was excited about this, the idea of spending the day with his mother after all this time was touching to him. At first, the day was good, they walked around town, caught up a little, and had lunch. She seemed like a normal woman to him, until night started to fall. She asked to show Hwanwoong one more thing before she took him back and of course, he had agreed. The culture shock was something he had never expected. His mother had taken him to where she worked as an exotic dancer and e and the truth had come out. Now that Hwanwoong was old enough she wanted to get him into what she was doing to try and make money off him. 

Despite this truth, all Hwanwoong could really focus on was the dancing and the way they moved. He'd never witnessed anything like it and wasn't even drawn to the or anything else, it was simply the idea of moving to the beat. Once he was home he began looking into dancing more, in all forms. His father was ok with this at first but the further he looked into it the more his father became uncomfortable with what was happening. Still, Hwanwoong tried to learn how to dance the more he started falling into everything else he'd never known in his life. Drinking, , violence, and everything in between. Eventually, the life he'd never known took its hold on Hwanwoong and he spent a lot of time away from home, out late drinking and experimenting with everything. This went on for a few years and Hwanwoong never noticed how it was affecting his father until he came home after a few days binge to find the man dead on the floor. He'd killed himself for being a failure and for not being able to protect Hwanwoong. At first, Hwanwoong had been angry at Sunghyon for this, he'd left and gone to find his mother, living with her at a brothel for a while where she essentially pimped him out to different clients letting them use him as they wanted. It took some time until he realised what was happening and left her.

He was 19 when he was first on the streets. He started off trying to get a 'real' job somewhere and trying to find a place to live where he could, but in the end, the only thing he could do to get money was to sell his body. He hated it for a long time, feeling disgusted by letting people touch him in that way, as the guilt of what happened to his father finally began to eat away at him. His only solace was in dancing and he found a small studio on the east that he could get into and practice, and learn. The others he met there were kind to him, and helped him where they could. He began filming himself dancing and uploading it on the internet, and shortly after that began camming as well. He got his first place and started to find enjoyment in what he did. It was easier to enjoy it than to continually hate himself for what happened. It was another few years before he found his first boyfriend, and he fell so deep and rather quickly. They ended up rather toxic for one another, leaving marks and horrible memories behind when he finally left Hwanwoong. Because he'd been staying with him for so long Hwanwoong had no place to return to leaving him on the streets once more.

Now, back in his ty apartment, still a e, camboy and cover dancer, he just struggles through his life. He never wanted to love again, thought he was nothing more than a toy, a plaything. Worthy of nothing but a quick fling. Until he met Youngjo. Everything is in the air now as Hwanwoong slowly lets himself fall again knowing he's one more broken heart away from following his father into the afterlife.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: I think I look slightly younger, at least no one questions me when I say I am only 20
Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs)
Height: 168 cm (5'6")
Body build: I have a small frame, I'm pretty skinny I guess, but I am not as weak as I look. I'm pretty toned under it all, but I try and keep a more 'feminine' form to please more people.
Eye color: Brown. I used to wear contacts a lot, I love changing the colour but now I can't afford them.
Glasses or contacts: Neither. I can't afford them anyway
Skin tone: Somewhere between white and lightly tanned.
Distinguishing marks: I don't think I have any. Well that's a lie. I have a scar on my right hip, about 3-4 inches long. It's faint, very faint but I have a scar reading 'Hoshi' on my neck. I have a scar on my thigh, my chest, all over the place really. But those are the biggest ones.
Predominant features: My eyes I guess, though most of what I have going for me is in how I act. It's easier to use my eyes to 'captivate' people enough to get close enough to show I can be everything they want and more.
Hair color: Currently black. I'm saving up to dye it again, I kind of hate having normal hair colours.
Type of hair: Surprisingly it's rather healthy right now. A little thin but nothing... extreme.
Hairstyle: Short, but not super short. It kinda just sits in my eyes. (x)
Voice: I feel pretty average, to be honest. I'm not very deep, or very high, or anything like that. I'm just average.
Overall attractiveness: Come on, we all know how hot I am. I'm amazing. I have to be. It's my job.
Physical disabilities: None
What's the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): I wish I was more modern, but it's hard to afford a lot of the stuff I wish I could wear. I'm pretty simple, jeans, a tee and a jacket if it's cold. I try to look nice no matter what but all in all it's very simple still.
Usual fashion of dress: I just answered this in the wrong place. Oops. Simple but stylish. Hows that?
Favorite outfit: At the moment... It's not exactly something I can wear out, but I wouldn't say I like going out so, that's something. I guess I will give both. To wear out, skinny jeans, a casual button-up shirt with a slightly oversized jumper if it's cold. At home, boxers and the largest jumper I can steal from my boyfriend. So comfortable.
Jewellery or accessories: The only thing I really have now is my Prince Albert. I guess that comes into this section. I don't really have any jewellery left anymore.
Piercings: Prince Albert. Ears once.
Tattoos: None, yet. We've been discussing it and more piercings.

Good personality traits: I'm Loyal, mostly friendly and rather honest. Though that could be a bad trait as well I suppose.
Bad personality traits: Insecurity is probably the big one here... Who am I kidding, just about everything about me is bad.
Mood character is most often in: Somewhat blank I guess. My mood fluctuates to what I think it needs to be for a situation. If someone is sad I am either sad, or I try to make them happier by being happy.
Sense of humor: Pretty warped I guess. I don't know really.
Character's greatest joy in life: Currently... I mean it's Youngjo. Who are we kidding? If it's not being with Youngjo, it's having (which is better with Younggie) or dancing.
Character's greatest fear: Being left alone. Heartbreak I guess?
Why: I've had both happen to me... One was partially my fault I suppose, I could have gone to my mother, but it hurts. I've been through a lot, felt a lot of pain, and the pain of being alone, of having nothing when you had someone hurts so much. I honestly don't think I could survive it again.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil: As horrible as it is to say... If Youngjo left me probably.
Character is most at ease when: Curled up in Younggie's arms, even just being at his house. I feel safe when I know I am near him.
Most ill at ease when: Probably meeting a new client.
Enraged when: I don't think I get enraged anymore... but if anyone hurt or insulted my Younggie I'd probably get a little mad.
Depressed or sad when: When I think I have done something to hurt Younggie.
Priorities: Getting my self-worth up enough that I can move out of the place I am in and be a better person for Youngjo.
Life philosophy: N/A
If granted one wish, it would be: To not need to be a e anymore.
Why: Even though Youngjo tells me that it's ok, I want to be able to be loyal to him. Sure I'll be a camboy still, but... I want to be only his.
Character's soft spot: Youngjo
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yeah, it really is.
Greatest strength: The ability to suffer anything internally. That's probably not a good thing.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: My insecurity. Definitely my insecurity.
Biggest regret: Turning away from my father as much as I did and not realise how much it hurt him.
Minor regret: Letting things get so bad.
Biggest accomplishment: Managing to get myself out of homelessness twice.
Minor accomplishment: Not dying on the streets?
Education: Dropped out at the end of Highschool, but I was doing good in my studies before that. I'm not the smartest but you know...
Intelligent or not: More intelligent than not, but I wouldn't say intelligent
Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist disguised as an optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Little of both. I need people, but only some people really... recharge me.
Daredevil or cautious: Daredevil, for sure.
Logical or emotional: I try to be logical, but my emotions can sway my decisions a lot.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Disorderly and Messy.
Prefers working or relaxing: Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself: Externally Confident, internally unsure.
Animal lover: Kind of... a little.

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: I'm hot, desirable and absolutely amazing. At least that's what I let people think. I'm a mess, a total disaster and worthy of nothing
One word to describe himself: Hot
What does the character consider his best personality trait: Loyalty
What does the character consider his worst personality trait: Distrust
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic: Eyes
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic: Arms
How does the character think others perceive him: A toy to be used and played with and then tossed aside when not needed
What would the character most like to change about himself: Status, or insecurities.
Self-Confidence: Outwardly much, inwardly... none
How does the character cope with fury and rage: Unaffected
... with unhappiness: Ignore it
... with rivalry: Sometimes pouty, sometimes anger... maybe.
... with new situations: Headfirst and with vigor
... with trouble: Ignore it if possible
What's his meaning of life: At the moment... Youngjo. Though I am not going to admit that yet
What would he like to change in his life: My standing, my status... that kind of thing. I'd like an apartment on the west so I don't need to hide that from Youngjo.
What things motivate the character: Money. God that sounds bad.
What situations scares the character: Being alone.
What makes this character happy: Being with Youngjo
Is the character often biased: Yes. I am.
Does the character prefer to give or to take: Give.
Is the character rather nice or rude: Nice. Mostly.

Drives and motivations: Currently money. I just want money so that I can get out of the place I am in, so I can look better
Immediate goals: Save money
Long term goals: Stop being a e
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: I mean, saving money and stopping myself from being a . I just have to sacrifice a few things here and there and make sure I have everything I need.
How other characters will be affected: I don't know... I don't think they will.

First memory: It's really boring. It's just my first time going to school. I used to love that place. I really did enjoy going to school when I was young.
Most important childhood memory: I don't know. I don't think there is really anything that stands out.
Why: I guess I forgot most of it. I try not to think about things like that.
Childhood hero: My father.
Dream job: Probably what I am doing, maybe being a dancer would be cool though. If I was good enough for that.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: I don't really hide all that much.
Why: It's easier to tell the truth, I don't have to remember who knows what.
Character's darkest secret: I don't think I have one.
Does anyone else know: I mean... yes?

Color: Blue or Red
Least favorite color: Yellow
Music: Anything with a decent beat that I can move to.
Food: Chicken.
Literature: I don't think I have one
Form of entertainment: Music, for sure
Expressions: Smiles
Mode of transportation: Walking
Most prized possession: I don't really own things anymore.

Good Habits: I mean... I am active?
Bad Habits: Lazy, I sleep too much, binge eat sometimes... I don't know.
Hobbies: Dancing, and
Plays a musical instrument: Guitar, not amazing, but I can
Plays a sport: nope, but I know some martial arts from when I was younger still
How he would spend a rainy day: Sitting inside watching the rain fall... Or you know, asleep because I was working all night
Spending habits: I try not to spend on much.
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: Yes... too much probably
Other drugs: Nope
Addictions: Alcohol and
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases: I am healthy. Physically.
What does he do too much of: Sleep, Drink,
What does he do too little of: Eat well
Extremely skilled at: , Dance
Extremely unskilled at: Being a functioning adult
Nervous tics: None
Usual body posture: None
Mannerisms: None that I can think of
Peculiarities: I mean... all of me?

Family and Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: People are there to use me, and will just leave me in the end
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others: Yes. Way too much.
Person character most hates: Myself, My Mother
Best friend(s): Youngjo, Jungkook, Taemin, Jimin, Yeosang
Love interest(s): Youngjo
Person character goes to for advice: Youngjo, Taemin
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Youngjo
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Youngjo, Taemin, Jungkook, Jimin
Person character openly admires: Youngjo, Taemin, Jimin, Jungkook
Person character secretly admires: Youngjo... It's not a secret
Mother: Um Hyesoo
Relationship with her: Not very good. I don't see her anymore. I don't really want to see her either.
Father: Yeo Sunghyon (Dead)
Relationship with him: It was good for a long time, and now... it's not.
Siblings: None
Relationship with them: []
Spouse: None... Yet
Relationship with him/her: []
Children: []
Relationship with them: []
Other important family members: []
Sisters or brothers []
Wife or husband: []
Children: []
Grandparents: []
Grandchildren: []
Other relationships with other characters:
Hwanwoo0ng's everything. While their relationship is still very new to Hwanwoong, Youngjo is becoming one of the most important things in his life. He's still hesitant to let Youngjo in completely, to see just how horrible things can be in his life, but he's also just very happy to know he will have someone there for him.
Yeosang: Another new relationship for Hwanwoong. Yeosang is someone he's getting closer with as he begins to experiment more with piercings and the idea of tattoos. He's the only person on the east that Hwanwoong trusts to put a needle near him.
Taemin: Another Dancer. Hwanwoong wouldn't really call them friends but he's danced with Taemin's crew a few times for a bit of fun and they are always nice enough to help him out if he wants to film something or is stuck. Hwanwoong wishes to get a little closer to the group, especially Taemin so he can learn more.
Jungkook: Jungkook, much like Taemin, is someone Hwanwoong wants to be closer to. Only he really doesn't know how to do it for either. He looks up to them both for their abilities.
Jimin: As far as Hwanwoong is aware he's the only person that realises just who Jimin is when he comes to visit. Surprisingly, given his fame, he's the one that Hwanwoong finds the easiest to speak with. He's a sweet guy that Hwanwoong is happy he knows in the limited capacity that he does and he looks forward to the random times they are both at the dance studio at the same time and they can just dance together and learn from one another.
Hoshi: Hwanwoong's Ex and first love. While he doesn't hate Hoshi he doesn't think he could look at him again. While Hoshi went and got his life together becoming an engineer or something, he left Hwanwoong behind and seemingly forgot all about him despite the promises he made to never do so. He's a subject that Hwanwoong doesn't like to think or talk about but is always there on his mind as he's the reason for most of his pain.

Yeo Hwanwoong
, Camboy, Dancer
Taken | Kim Youngjo 25.MAR.2022