Personal Message


NAME. lee taeyeob
NICKNAME. yoojung
DOB & AGE. 97.05.29 | 25
HEIGHT. 177cm
BLOOD. type a
ZODIAC. gemini sunpisces moon
PREFERENCE. panromantic | demiual
STATUS. single and not looking
RANK. maid

LIKES. the color white, natural fiber materials, loose-fitting clothing, fresh cologne, new lip balm, clean sheets, organizing, spring & summer fruits, sweet mint gum, dancing
DISLIKES. the smell of gasoline, sudden loud noises, surprises, spicy food, red wine stains, waking up early, feeling overwhelmed, cockroaches, filthiness, bigots, senseless cruelty
QUIRKS. left-handed, physically weak, sleep talker, sleeps with dog plush, lazy during free time, plays with own hair, always carries lip balm, eats too fast, will cry over spilt milk
HOBBIES. dancing, clay sculpting, figure painting, ikebana
PERSONALITY. considerate, gentle, kind, hardworking, responsible, tidy, delicate, effeminate, obedient, anxious, impatient, insecure, possessive, shy
BACKGROUND. taeyeob doesn't discuss his past with many. as far as most people know, even those who would consider themselves close to him, he may as well not have existed before becoming a legal adult. piecing together the things he is willing to discuss paints a sort of impressionist painting of him and his past. he still carries debt from a year at university before he dropped out. sometimes he says it like it was a responsibility and not a choice. his first crush was on a teacher. the end of his first relationship was mutual. he's got a scar on his right heel from a one-inch nail and one on his little finger from a chef's knife. he's worked as a waiter at a chicken restaurant, a barista at a chain coffee shop near insadong, a bartender at a club where he got phone numbers on gum wrappers mixed in with his tips, and sometimes he even mentions nights in an unnamed basement bar tucked away in a seoul alley. of course, he rushes on to say that's in his past and for respectable work he is - or rather was - a choreographer and dance instructor. and when he says he had dreams he says it like he lost the concept of a dream itself.

even that's behind him now that he's among the maid staff of 1001 nights. he says even less to the people he works with and for. he rarely even shares his fondness for his nickname, no matter how much he thinks it suits him more than the name his parents gave him. assuming it was from his parents and not an employee with a line to fill and paperwork to file while a dirty child sat mute in front of their desk. at work, observed from afar, he's delicate and meticulous in his duties. no one would ever catch him slacking off and it could be forgiven if others thought that he had a passion for the job. he is also best seen at a distance as he tends to shy away from crowds and attention. he's not unlike a flower, one that protects itself with thorns. to hear him speak of dedication to the job, the purpose it gives him, and his lack of want or desire is but another layer of paint upon the canvas. the way he speaks is not unlike someone who has either lost everything or been indoctrinated into a cult, or perhaps even both. it's unclear which could make him more dangerous if he were ever pushed to his limits, but for now it's apparent that he is obedient and he performs his duties well.

to be updated