
Character’s full name: (Lee) Soobin
Character’s nickname: Binnie, Bin, Vamp, Vampire, Cold One
Age: 21
Birth date: December 5, 2000
Nationality: Korean
Side: Majority East
The current place for living: East & West
Job title: Heir
Employing company: Lee Family. Blood Dragons.
Income: Set for life
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Panual Demiromantic
Languages: Korean, Japanese, English
Background: Raised mostly by his mother, Nicole, the birthed heir of the Lee family, he was born into the dark side of the world. Despite being born next in line, his mother has always given him a choice. He's never felt pressured by her or his grandparents either, even though his mother is the current head of the Lee Family. Although he's grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, Soobin has been more than willing every step of the way to learn all that he can so that he can be more independent; he's spent most of his life with bodyguards around him but his parents have made sure that he is skilled in martial arts and weapon handling so that he can take care of himself.

The relationship between his mother and father has always been rocky, considering she was born and raised in the West, as those at the core of the family usual are. Minhyuk was born and raised in the East. They met when Minhyuk had managed to snag a job in the West at a hotel, working as a bellhop and doorman, ocassionally working as a valet. Minhyuk's always been smitten by her, from the instant he saw her, but he constantly has to prove himself, which is why their relationship becomes rocky and Soobin sometimes has to sit through the fights, although both his mother and father would rather him not. It's the fact that Minhyuk is from the East and he's slipped up a handful of times because money talked much louder than his common sense, that less fortunate side of his father's background trying to make him believe he'll be left with nothing if he doesn't seize every opportunity that he can. Recently, he and his mother discovered that his father, Minhyuk, had a son before him, his older half-brother, Yuto. Having grown up with Yuto, it's caused problems, especially since it seems his father is more focused on making Yuto the heir of the family even though Soobin is such by birthright.

Soobin has been nicknamed "the vampire" or "the cold one," by those that honestly don't know him very well, because of how cold and distant he typically is. He's very observant, preferring to people-watch when he can. Soobin is both cordial and polite but is very picky about who he lets get close to him. He watches over his Rank 1/Rookie team like they are children he's raising himself. He always has his door open for anyone in his family and their concerns and questions. He himself is also very open to criticism and growth as he wants to make his family proud, namely his mother. He figures he loves his father, though he never really was close to him or tried to be, though it didn't help with Minhyuk's focus on Yuto. Either way, he's definitely a momma's boy and proud of it.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: Younger on most days. About his age when dressed up and in business mode.
Weight: 67 kg / 147 lbs

Height: 187 cm / 6'1"
Body build: Lean & Fit
Eye color: Dark brown
Glasses or contacts: Glasses at home. Contacts otherwise.
Skin tone: Milky tan.
Distinguishing marks: A long scar down the entire length of his back from purposely walking off the patio/deck of his and his mother's secret home.
Predominant features: Eyes.
Hair color: Typically black, sometimes a shade of brown.
Type of hair: Straight.
Hairstyle: Two-block, long fringe.
Voice: On the lower side, gentle but monotone.
Overall attractiveness: Quite Appealing.
Physical disabilities: N/A
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Mostly modern.
Usual fashion: Neutral color block with a trench coat or overcoat. Typically with dress shoes.
Favorite outfit: White scoop-neck tee, black dress pants, black oxfords or brogues, tan long coat.
Jewelry or accessories: Black leather gloves. Rings, usually just bands, sometimes embedded with jewels.
Tattoos: A lightning bolt, the family symbol, on the right side of his right ring finger.
Piercings: N/A

Good personality traits: Honest. Humble. Trustworthy. Dependable. Loyal. Proper. Simple. Stealthy. Cautious. Guarded. Levelheaded. Inquisitive.
Bad personality traits: Cold. Serious. Unaggressive. Stickler for rules.
Mood character is most often in: Chill.
Sense of humor: Dirty, dark and dry. Seemingly nonexistent most of the time.

Character’s greatest joy in life: Being with his mother. Making his mother and his grandparents proud.
Character’s greatest fear: Losing or disappointing his family. Losing anyone he holds dear.
Why? He strives hard to be the man he was raised to be and feels/would feel he's worthless should he let his family down. If he were to lose someone he cares for from his own doing, he would never forgive himself. He wants to protect any and everyone he can when he can.

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing his mother. Accidentally hurting someone innocent, especially a loved one.
Character is most at ease when: In his study with tea and a book.
Most ill at ease when: Getting a tip on something he has to handle personally.
Enraged when: He has to get his hands dirty because his warnings weren't heeded.
Depressed or sad when: He lets his family down.
Priorities: Family. Innocents. Business.
Life philosophy: "Rather fail by honor than succeed with fraud."
If granted one wish, it would be: For there to be peace and serenity without any deaths or casualties.
Why? He wouldn't change what he does, or anyone else. He would just prefer that no one would have to die for things to get done.
Character’s soft spot: His mother. His family.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? If you know him well enough.
Greatest strength:When he sets his mind to something, he intends to get it done by all means necessary.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Being too considerate of others to not dive into things headfirst. It's a double-edged sword.
Biggest regret: N/A
Minor regret: Allowing cracks to form in his walls, subjecting him to leaks in his emotions.
Biggest accomplishment: Commanding one of the largest Rank 1 teams in the family history, where some don't want to graduate ranks in order to stay working directly with him.
Minor accomplishment: Learning how to use a sniper rifle.
Education: Completed grade school. Considering a degree (or multiple).
Intelligent or not? Intelligent.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious.
Logical or emotional? Logical, mostly.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure of himself? Confident.
Animal lover? Yes.

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: Fine, for the most part. Not one way or the other really.
One word to describe himself: Dangerous. As predictable as he can be, he tends to attract odd events, or at least events that most don't account for, planned and unplanned.
What does the character consider his best personality trait? Dependable - the type that you can always call in your time of need.
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Internalizer - even when he's at his lowest, he appears to be and acts as though he's incredibly calm and unaffected.
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? Eyes.
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic?N/A
How does the character think others perceive him: Aloof.
What would the character most like to change about himself: How easily and quickly he internalizes things.
Self-Confidence: Average, lean to the higher end.
How does the character cope with fury and rage? Tea and a book.
… with unhappiness? Hiding in his apartment in the West.
… with rivalry? Mostly ignores it.
… with new situations? Faces them head-on, if he can.
… with trouble? Faces it head-on, if needed.
What’s his meaning of life? Protecting his family.
What would he like to change in his life? Not much, actually.
What things motivate the character? Encouragement from loved ones.
What situations scares the character? Where he may not be able to protect a loved one, or one gets hurt because of him.
What makes this character happy? Tea and a book.
Is the character often biased? Not really.
Does the character prefer to give or to take? Give. If he really likes someone, on a personal/intimate level, it's more a mixture of both. He's a bit weak to spoiling.
Is the character rather nice or rude? Nice, though he may come off as rude.

Drives and motivations: Family. Protecting the innocent. Handling family business.
Immediate goals: Just doing what he needs to in order to handle business.
Long term goals: To make his mother proud in all that he does. To uphold the honor and namesake of the Lee Family. 
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: To continue striving to be better each and every day as he's already doing.
How other characters will be affected: Not much unless they're his opposition.

First memory: Running around in his home in the West as a toddler, playing tag with his mother.
Most important childhood memory: His first training with Blood Dragons, a Japanese crime family that his family has always been close to, where he first learned about using katana. 
Why: It's how he actually earned the long scar down his back, although he just tells everyone that questions it that it's from when he fell into his mother's garden when he was a kid.
Childhood hero: Mother and grandparents.
Dream job: He's fine where he is.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: None specific.
Why? He doesn't really feel embarrassed about anything he's done in his past.
Character’s darkest secret: He doesn't have any secrets that people that know him would be surprised to know.
Does anyone else know? N/A

Color: Tan. Black.
Least favorite color: Neon colors.
Music: Low-fi. Music with little lyrics, if any at all.
Food: Soups and stews.
Literature: Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Form of entertainment: Reading.
Expressions: "Slow and steady wins the race."
Mode of transportation: Car.
Most prized possession: Sketchbook. Hidden canvases. Art supplies.

Loves: Spiced teas. His mother and making her proud. Animals. Rooftop views of the city at night. A good book. The warmth and comfort of his overcoats and trench coats. His hideaway home in the West where his mother raised him.
Likes: Long walks, drives, and rides through the city. His usual driver Keonhee filling the silence as they ride together. Being able to praise and reward his Rank 1 Team. The emotional and physical reward he gets from physical training. Keeping an eye and ear out for updates in families and gangs.
Dislikes: The actual physical training itself. Not having someone to help him put in his contact lenses. Not being able to seek revenge in the few instances he really wants to. People lying to his face as he'd rather it behind his back so he doesn't have to bother with responding to it. Mess on his clothes, especially blood and other bodily fluids when he has to kill someone.
Turn-ons: Binding and restraining his partner with ribbons and silk, although he wouldn't mind giving someone the chance to do it to him. Eye contact. Deep, slow kisses. Pulling/Gripping his partner's hair. Choking his partner with his bare hands or with his gloves on. Vampire gloves. Katoptronophilia. ling/Nursing/ . Rimming. . Deep throating/Gagging.
Turn-offs: Too much blood, some is okay. Nonconsensual anything. play unless it's been heavily discussed. 
Fantasies: To use toys on his partner and watch them writhe and beg for release. To be greeted with his partner's hands sliding under his overcoat (or suit jacket) and gripping at him, holding him close and clinging to him while he simply embraces them.

Good Habits: Making sure the Lee Family members are being taken care of.

Bad Habits: Internalizing just about everything.
Hobbies: Pencil sketching. Painting. Photography. Playing piano. 
Plays a musical instrument? Piano.
Plays a sport? No.
How he would spend a rainy day: Inside with soft music, a book, and tea or walking through the city with no real destination.
Spending habits: Not so much on himself as on his very close, loved ones. The closer one is, the more he will spoil them.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Occasionally. Too much when stressed.
Other drugs: No.
Addictions: None really.
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? Healthy.
What does he do too much of? Putting on a brave face even when he feels himself being torn apart on the inside.
What does he do too little of?Express his emotions unless it's in his sketchbook or paintings.
Extremely skilled at: Observation. Being detail-oriented. Knife/Blade handling. Sharpshooter
Extremely unskilled at: Driving, since Keonhee drives him around all the time, and won't even let him attempt to drive himself anywhere.
Nervous tics: Biting his bottom lip, to the point of tearing the skin off and making it bleed. He's aware enough of when he does it that he doesn't do it around others.
Usual body posture:Fully erect and confident.
Mannerisms: Cold but polite.
Peculiarities: None really.

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:Everyone's mostly out for themselves. No matter where they're from, people just enjoy stepping on others to get what they want.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? Yes, very easily.
Person character most hates: Possibly his father, although he wouldn't consider it hate. He doesn't really hold that ill of feelings toward anyone. He never has.
Best friend(s): Yeonjun. Keonhee. His mother.
Love interest(s): N/A
Person character goes to for advice: His mother. Keonhee. Yeonjun.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: His mother. Keonhee. Yeonjun. His rookie team. Anyone that swears their loyalty to his family.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Yuto.
Person character openly admires: His mother, his grandparents, Keonhee and Yeonjun.
Person character secretly admires: N/A
Mother: Nicole
Relationship with her: Very close.
Father: Minhyuk
Relationship with him: Strained, Uncomfortable, Tense.
Siblings: Yuto (half-brother)
Relationship with them: Strained. Awkward. They seem to care for each other but their father makes things feel more awkward than they really are but they try.
Spouse: N/A
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: N/A
Other relationships with other characters:
They feel like they grew up with one another and they kind of did. After Soobin's father took Yeonjun and Wooyoung in, Soobin saw them a lot and got to know them pretty well. Yeonjun is his main bodyguard and he feels it's safe to say that he's one of his best friends. Soobin looks to Yeonjun for help with small things and advice and offers the same in return. In the world they live in, he couldn't ask for someone more crazy, fun and loyal to have his back and be at his side than Yeonjun.
Keonhee: They've known each other for years, even before Keonhee became his driver. He spends most of his time with Keonhee, Yeonjun only coming in second, albeit closely, because he can get busy with performing with his band. He's the other one that Soobin considers his best friend and for all the right reasons. In his mind, it's like Keonhee's calm and collected nature balances out Yeonjun and the two of them balance him out. He knows both Keonhee and Yeonjun woul literally kill for him and possibly even die for him, not that he would ever let the latter happen.

Taehyun/Specter: Soobin's hacker extraoirdinaire. He doesn't expect the world of anyone that works for or with him. He just expects people that intend to do any sort of business with him to have their heads on straight and their hearts in the right place, even though their work involves loss lives and blood at times. Soobin respects him for never overindulging, for simply getting what's necessary and not abusing what he does learn and what more he can learn about people, places, transactions, and so on. Soobin is thankful to have someone like him in his corner.
Wooyoung: Soobin wouldn't say that he knows him now but he did when Wooyoung and Yeonjun first started coming around. Because of how close the three were in the beginning, and because of Soobin and Yeonjun's loyalty to one another, Wooyoung was spared for the stealing and all. If they were to see each other again, Soobin isn't even sure as to how he'd react with the other.

Moonbin: He is Soobin's mother's bodyguard so Soobin knows him pretty well. They get along quite well. He's seen hearts in Moonbin's eyes for his mother but Soobin is okay with it as Moonbin sits firmly between them in age.