Personal Message
carnival quick tracker!
boopy’s booth — roll 2–5: share a cotton candy with someone — roll 3–2: buy balloons at the carnival — roll 2–4: go on the carousel
( in discussion! )
bunbun’s booth — week 1: summer ✓ — week 2: purple ✓ — week 3: animal ears ✓
floofer’s booth — total: 320pts
pan-nyang’s booth — total: 120pts
plots and connection ideas!
antiques and antics: the antique store is one of your safe places; there’s just this vibe that you find comfort in it. now that bitna’s taking over, you find yourself helping around unpacking and toying with the items with her. maybe stick around and she’ll give you some freebies just like her mother did to you, or become her favorite customer so you could get all of the discounts! no character preference but must have been in yeongwon before bitna returned.
rowdy ruffians: it’s always been loud and rowdy and friendly between you both since high school; even with the bickering, wrestling, and pranking, you both still remained as best of friends. some believe you were true loves but you both were quick to dismiss the idea and stayed strongly bonded platonically. what’s wrong with two people of opposite being friends even if it gets deep in a physical and emotional level? and marrying this ugly face for life? oh please. must be male, (30 -/+ 3 years old) and lived in yeongwon in their younger years!
next-door number neighbor: bitna changes her phone number as part of turning over a new leaf. what she did not expect is that after twenty-four hours of changing it, she receives a message that’s not even registered in her cell yet. instead of apologizing and moving on, you two end up dragging the conversation and fall into a game of guessing because you both refuse to give up personal info–not knowing you’re closer than you thought you’d be. only time will tell when these identities will be uncovered. texting thread for the most part. no character restrictions! ideally you have never met before.
my flower, i am here. don't you know i'm always waiting for you?
— my flower, ladies code