
NAME: Nyxen Duskwind
AGE: 118
RACE: Blood Elf


In the past, Nyxen was known by many to be the sweet, shy, innocent, ever-smiling, happy, overly kind, and friendly Blood Elf to both Horde and Alliance alike as he wanted to help everyone no matter the situation... pretty much a peacemaker at heart. With this, however, he had many flaws. His main one was being a extremely naïve and somewhat gullible which usually would lead to him being taken advantage of.
Over time, events happened in his life which gradually saw the decline of the overly positive traits and his personality grew colder with the more walls that he built up around himself. He'd distance himself from everyone that meant the world to him and in turn that ended up being a good idea as many "friends" soon showed their true colours as many took this change as his shadow magic consuming him and turning him slowly insane. Which would turn out not to be the case at all.
It was evident that by talking with him, he remainded rather guarded of emotion, making his true personality difficult to sus out and had a low tolerance for others messing him around, a few of his remaning friends took note and aimed to help him through this part of his troubled past. Eventually there was a breakthrough and the Priest re-learned how to be a bit more sociably acceptable, although he does tend to be blunt about things and refuses to fall back into what he once was.

Nowadays, Nyx is more of a listener than an enthusiatic social butterfly. He'll talk to you if he feels comfortable and if you seem worth the time... which can be taken as a good or bad thing, depending on how you view it. Those who put the time and effort into getting past that barrier and get to know him better will find that he is somewhat friendlier than his first meeting tends to make him out to be, however it's obvious that gaining his trust fully isn't something that you'll see overnight. On very rare occasions he'll show that sweet side too. He has a sense of humour albeit sometimes bordering dark humour and is able to keep that to a minimum around those who are uncomfortable with dark humour... he blames his rogue friend for that! 

Nyxen is an adult with a toned, slim build, yet one would be able to clearly tell that height-wise he is rather short for an adult male Blood Elf as he stands at a mere 5`6. His hair is long, platinum blonde in colour, and highly maintained, overall it's more than obvious that he does take care of himself. 
His face is heart-shaped and adorned with a small scar on the corner of his left cheek, other scars can be seen on his arms and legs at times - all from past battles. His eyes are a clear golden colour and are naturally doe-like when he's in a decent mood, if they appear shuttered then it's safe to assume that something is bothering him.
His ears are slightly shorter than a typical length you'd find on a Blood Elf and on the left earlobe is a simple ring piercing. The Elf also sports a tattoo on the side of his left shoulder towards the top of the joint, it's something simple without too much of a deep meaning other than it reminds him of a happy pastime with his second family. The tattoo itself takes on a V shape with parts in between to look like a bit of land and a half circle pattern to represent the sun.
When it comes to clothing, Nyxen likes to wear robes where possible, they can be cosy! There are times when he'll dress down a little and wear something a bit more simple such as a shirt and pair of pants. By the look of some of the attire, it's safe to assume that he likes patterns and intricate designs as well as a variety of colours ranges, and he also prefers to leave the headpiece of his gear down. He usually carries a staff of some sort and generally, they have some nice bright magic flare to them. If at any point he has a backpack, he's more than likely out gathering!


Nyxen grew up in a small but happy family consisting of mostly aspiring Paladin and Warriors, very few looked to take a different path and Nyxen happened to be one of them. He didn't care for the big flashy weapons or fancy plate armour, and he'd also taken interest in magic though not that of a Warlock - demons scared him at the time!. His father was a little disappointed that his only son didn't wish to carry on the path of a Paladin and took a while to come around to being accepting of Nyxen's decision whereas his mother was the complete opposite, supporting and encouraging him throughout his studies until the day her life was lost in a battle and as a result, his father ended up passing from a broken heart just a mere few years later and left all of his wealth to Nyxen. Eventually, after his studies and leaving his home behind in Tranquillien, he became a battlefield medic and found a home in a Tribe consisting of various races that had banded together and shared similar beliefs and ideas. They quickly became his second family and close friends, however, in current times, he has long parted ways with the Tribe and he now lives with a couple of his close friends in Silvermoon.

At first, Nyx had wanted to be a Mage like a couple of his family members had been in the past, he sometimes got a little too excited about the possibility of using a flame to his advantage, but, ultimately ended up studying to be a Priest instead as there was just something that drew his interest to it more. In general, he was (still is) more or less a nerdling and would often spend more time in libraries or outside in a quiet area to read as many books as possible about various areas of Holy and Shadow magic. Nyxen decided that dabbling in Holy and Discipline areas was more true to himself and very rarely practiced any of his Shadow magic. In the far future, a time would come when he grew curious about his Shadow magic and it got the better of him as he started dabbling in it despite the fear in the back of his head of falling to madness from using it. Thankfully, it would turn out that he had a knack for it and was able to keep himself in check, he decided to only ever use it in dire situations as a means to protect others when his Holy spells wouldn't be enough. Not everyone seemed fond of the idea of Nyxen using Shadow magic at all and may have shown their true colours about it as time passed.

At one point, Nyxen was married to a Mage for a few years and at the time he was a fool for love right up until an unexpected turn in their relationship that ultimately caused them to separate. The reasoning behind it wasn't something that he agreed with and even frustrated him to no end. In general, he doesn't feel it was really a good enough reason they couldn't have talked through. Even as he accepted that they'd go their separate ways, it did end up leaving a negative impact on how he now acts around others, which was a lot colder and the complete opposite of how most originally knew him to be. He stopped wanting to help others as much now seeing just how some took advantage of his kindness, and he didn't like being around others anymore in general which caused him to distance himself from everyone, even those he considered close, and fell into a dark place for a good half of a year before his true friends managed to bring him around then help him get back on his feet. However, even after getting over things from the past that hurt him, the old version of himself was not publically seen and was more reserved for those he could trust. He was slowly learning how to be around strangers again and has made a lot of positive progress since... and still has a ways to go.

When it came to taking on jobs at the start, he joined up with other members of the Horde to take on various foes and challenges which initially shaped him into a well-respected and skilled healer and made landing high-paying jobs a bit easier as time passed. There were many missions where he often got distracted by a flower here and there before running back to save a shrieking-not-so-confident worked out in the end!...and was usually remembered for it. In the near future, he's hoping to be able to aid adventurers of both factions, be it with his Holy magic or Shadow. Despite all that happened in the past, he likes to live up to his positively gained reputation. Some other jobs which he enjoys doing are going out for a day or two just gathering herbs and ore for those in need of it, for a price of course!
There were also times where he would join randomly put-together neutral teams for both factions although later on, that had to change to just escorting those of the Horde due to more recent events with a certain crazy lady and a tree, though on a side note, he wouldn't just blank any adventurer from the opposite faction who was in trouble and needing some help, it's just not in his nature.

New people are entering the Priests life again, both friends and those he'll work alongside now that he's joined Mythiral's band of mercenaries. It's taken a while but he's slowly warming up to the idea of being part of something big again instead of being miserable and dwelling on negative past memories. He mostly tags along as a healer to missions and offer his help to those who need it.