
Name: Ravenieth
Nickname: Raven
Age: 135
Race: Sin'dorei
Pronouns: He | Him 
uality: Gay
Eye Colour: Green
Height: 6'2
Body Type: Toned
Relationship: Single

Personality and Appearance:



Raven was a farstrider, eventually breaking away from his usual cosy life in Eversong to join a mixed bunch of interesting individuals. He grew close to few of them as friends and had a couple of years of romance with two Elves, who he met in his group. He fought alongside the group, overcoming various battles with them.

After a time, he and a friend or two went their separate ways, returning to live in Silvermoon City. He's a full time tracker and , sometimes teaching newer hunters on the side. Despite working mostly on his own he is always eager to help others.

He met his cat companion back when he was training in Durotar, determined to win the feline's trust and have him fight alongside him in battle. Akuma is usually found lurking by the hunters side.