
NAME: Aestianath
RACE: Sin'dorei
PRONOUNS: He/Him/They/Them
EYE COLOUR: Blue-green


Alert and observant, he is good at paying attention to detail and is the type to help anyone out if needed in whatever situation arises. He may have a little too much faith and trust in people as he is the type that believes even the cruelest of people have a good heart deep down, however, this does not mean that he is easy to fool or manipulate.
Overall the hunter is friendly, approachable, and more than eager to help out others if asked.
He often dresses in fancy mail armour when he's on a job or out in general and settles for something more comfortable to wear when he's just wandering from one city to another.

Aestianath stands around 6`2 and has a toned body with a fair complexion. His brown hair is normally in a Falcon style and can sometimes look a bit messy despite his efforts to keep on top of it... a slightly frazzled look doesn't do any harm. 


He comes from a long line of hunters, his family originally from Quel'Thalas now settled in Silvermoon City. Aestianath hates to admit it, but, there was a time when he was terrified of the creatures that some of his family had as companions and had thought about going a different path altogether until his older brother managed to talk him into giving it a shot and introduced him to the fluffier, cuter beasts to get him used to them before helping him get over his fears of the much scarier looking ones. He was a wimp and no, he wasn't proud of it, now he makes up for it by challenging himself to tame at least one "scary" looking creature in whatever land he ventured to. 
His brother and father helped with his training, fighting alongside them and the Farstriders when he was old enough to do so. Many years later, Aestianath decided to go off on his own path completely, he now works primarily as a tracker and bounty hunter though isn't likely to pass up a different job if it'll help another person out.