Personal Message

future dps:

past dps:


basic information

  • Name: elnora ithil of scite.
  • Date of Birth: october 31st (99 years old).
  • race: elf.
  • Place of Birth: fraia.
  • class: princess.
  • Occupation: weapon meister.
  • power/s: shadow construct and generation.
  • ual Orientation: biual.
  • Romantic Orientation: demiromantic.
  • Relationship Status: single but no.


  • Height: 164 cm.
  • Weight: 65 kg.
  • Hair Color: blonde, black (as night falls).
  • Eye Color: pale blue, red with black sclera.
  • ability: shadow tendrils, weapons, avatars.
  • Tattoos: ancient glyphs on left cheek.
  • weapons: sword and crossbow.
  • Clothing Style: half-gothic outfit.
23 notes。

the cursed child...

once upon a time, the youngest among the noble family was born, giving them joy as the new princess has been born in the country of fraia. they named her elnora for she is their shining light. she was a cheerful kid and always wanted to play with her older siblings, she is then fascinated with books and how to wield a sword. at the age of six, she starts browsing the royal library and already has a knowledge of a full-fledge princess at young age.

as she was sneaking through the halls to get some books from her father's room, she peeks through the small slit of her father's quarters to see the high priestess talking to her parents about the horrible prophecy that will turn the young princess's life around. She told, "the last child will be the destruction to all, a kingdom will fall, a sacrifice be made, so the gods will aid." this made her parents both scared that their kingdom willbe in ruins because of this prophecy, elnora who was eavesdropping found herself listening to their conversation before she sees the high priestess looking at her and the little princess runs away.

the prophecy still bugged elnora as she must be the one who was mentioned last time but she tries to forget about it while reading in the library and training swordsmanship. But then, after she finished all that, she heard whispers and followed it until she gets to a locked room, sealed by a magical talisman, she quickly undo the seal and opened the room where she sees a book as the whispers gets louder and louder, pleading her to read and opened the book.

the curious elnora then opened the book, the book consists of taboo and illegal spells and magic that are against fraian laws. the book was infused with a once cursed elf who was against the fraian rule and its shadow remains as its vengeful curse as it latches on elnora, entering her body and infusing its curse to her very pure soul as she reads all of the chants and prohibited spells inside the book. the book of ithil is one of the strongest yet dangerous books that fraia had to keep away from anyone who reads it, corrupting an individual's mind into destroying a city. then it happened, on their little elnora, her ability to manipulate light had corrupted to dimmed as darkness engulfed the young princess's mind.

then that night, the prophecy had happened. ithil's curse is stronger at night as her power awakened at early stage, her once blonde hair grew black and her eyes reddened as her sclera became black, the darkness in her heart took control of her body and starts to ravage everything in her way. slowly, ithil's mark starts to carve on her left cheek, sealing her fate completely. she was then interfered by the high priestess herself, the high priestess's power was stronger than hers and defeated ithil's curse from corrupting further on what's left of the poor princess. at the age of 8, she was locked up in a cell since then as she was told that this was for her own good while her mother and father tries to find a cure for their cursed daughter but they couldn't find a cure and doesn't have a choice but to send her off to scite, a torn nation but has the most prestigious academy for the elementalist.

she was sent to scite a few days later and there she thought that when she could control her powers and master swords and archery she would go back to fraia. elnora eagerly trained with the help of trainers and teachers, but her hindrance was her darkness in the night, wanting to come out. her own power she couldn't control it as once she unleashed it, she can no longer stay as she was once revealing ithil's mark on her. but that doesn't take long as at the age of 15, she was getting ready to go back to fraia when her royal guards had told her the bad news, she will never get back to fraia. her father and mother had abandoned her, as well as her siblings whom were casted a spell where they can no longer knew of her. this made elnora snapped, ithil's curse resurfaced and now unleashed but instead of the curse itself to take control, she asserts dominance and slowly her mind had corrupted with darkness, only knowing anger, pain and vengeance.

a few years later, scite became known not just a torn nation but a nation of best potions and elementalist. elnora finally embraced her fate and the cursed itself, she doesn't care anymore as she became the scite's princess, she will take the matters into her own hands. she did became a weapon meister and tactician during war against other nation because of her fraian knowledge and scitin resilience that she has now the rights to govern the nation whilst the absence of king and queen.

  • she can now shape any weapons using her shadow: swords, tendrils, melee weapons.
  • ithil's mark on her left cheek can only appear once she used her power.
  • but she can be a realiable friend or a formidable foe.

deep inside her, she wanted revenge and wanted to redeem herself as the princess of fraia.

23 notes。

Quote text goes right here. Say as much as you want, but try to keep this short too because quotes can get unweildy if too long and stuff.

23 notes。

personality information


put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。


put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。


put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。


put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。


put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。


put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。

bad habits

put stuff here — whatever applies — format this part however you like。

23 notes。



23 notes。

title or subtitle...

paragraph text goes here. if you need another paragraph, just hit enter and it will be automatically spaced for you. i don't really know what to say, so I'm just gonna type filler text after this paragraph ends.

  • dating since 00 month 0000.
  • engaged since 00 month 0000.
  • married since 00 month 0000.

here is an extra paragraph. like i said, this is just filler text. use this if you need it.

23 notes。



23 notes。

before you approach me...

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it

writing/plotting style

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it

activity reply speed

here is an extra paragraph. like i said, this is just filler text. use this if you need it.

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it

location preferences

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it


  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it
23 notes。


elnora ithil

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