
NAME: Kaenesh Sunlance
RACE: Quel'dorei


Kaenesh stands at around 6`1, his body is clearly toned and kept in top shape. He has an overall friendly appearance, he can be found wearing a smile on his face and generally being upbeat. His hair is blonde and by the looks of it, well maintained, rarely does it end up in a mess. On the whole, he looks after himself well.
Getting to know him, one would learn that he is incredibly tolerant towards many people, especially those who are purposely petty and ignorant. It takes a lot for him to become angered and doesn't generally hold back with his words, he isn't likely to get physical unless it calls for extreme measures. He isn't deterred by snide remarks and insults from others, choosing to ignore them as he isn't interested in getting into meaningless fights.


Kae's family moved to Dalaran after the War, his parents and sibling are part of the Kirin Tor and are still dedicated to them and the Silver Covenant. He had taken up classes to study magic used by Mages and Priests yet he never felt like he belonged to either of those paths, as a result, became a little depressed and worried that he'd fail to meet his father's expectations and in general be shunned from their proud family line. He never really aimed to get involved in conflicting matters between the Alliance and Horde and did his best to remain truly neutral when the events of Theramore happened as well as the purge within Dalaran. He was shocked and didn't agree that innocents had to pay with their lives on either side. Relations turned sour between him and his family as he refused to become involved with the whole ordeal which eventually led to him moving out to live on his own. During his time living in Dalaran City, he often helped out in the infirmary, giving simple first aid to members from both factions, and later down the line trained to be a monk instead, trained by an old Pandaren. Kae found that he has a knack for healing and for protecting others in combat, changing up the job when the need arises so to speak.

During one of his trips back to Dalaran, he was asked for his help in the infirmary where he tended to a Blood Elf Paladin and since then had been assigned as the Paladin's personal healer, going on any and every mission that he was asked to tag along on, and over time eventually pledged his allegiance to the Horde entirely. He travels a lot between Dalaran and Silvermoon City and has plans to move to Silvermoon City fully at some point in the near future to be closer to the Paladin he works alongside and his friends. He joined a new group, a band of individuals who share similar goals and interests when it comes to helping out others around them no matter the task at hand.