
Character’s full name: Hwang Hyunjin
Character’s nickname: Jinnie, Hyunjinnie, Shadow, Nightmare, Night
Age: 26
Birth date: March 20, 1996
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: Unknown.
Job title: Freelance Assassin/Contract Killer. Hacker.
Employing company: Anyone he makes a contract with.
Income: Unknown.
Relationship status: Single.
Orientation: Unknown.
Languages: He can't remember all the languages he knows but he can answer in any language with which he is approached.
Background: Hyunjin was born from a dangerous obsession between his mother and father. That's about the most that he knows. The part of his parents' relationship that he doesn't know is that his father was born in the West. His father was the son of a psychiatrist that moved to the East and built up a clinic to offer mental health assistance for those on the other side of the tracks; Hyunjin's father worked in the clinic and was even studying to become a psychiatrist as well in order to help others. Hyunjin's mother was a regular patient of the clinic. His mother had alexithmyia and his father had been a spark in her empty soul. His father still loved his mother but reminded himself to be careful about mixing any sort of business and pleasure. Drawing that line only seemed to add gasoline to the fire, and he hadn't a clue just how dangerous and deadly things would get for him. The couple was young when Hyunjin was born, just exiting their teens. Hyunjin never received much love from his mother because of her condition but received an abudance from his father. As Hyunjin grew older, his father came to realize something wasn't quite right with the boy; Upon the request of Hyunjin's father, the boy's grandfather examined him in a few different ways, finding that he responded incredibly similar to his mother, meaning Hyunjin had alexithymia as well. Hyunjin received his father's affections but didn't seem to return them. In fact, he was simply incapable of doing so. His father didn't mind. After all, he'd managed to pour love into the boy's mother and he would do the same for his son, no matter what it took. What it eventually took though was his life.

Hyunjin's mother gradually grew jealous of her son, namely the way she claimed he "stole" all of his father's attention and affection. She'd secretly stopped going to her sessions at the clinic and it left her still with the inability to understand her emotions and how to process them. In the end, she would lash out constantly and repeatedly toward her son, wishing he were dead so that she could have the love of her life back without his interference. Hyunjin, living with the same condition, would take the abuse without much thought or response and that only seemed to ignite her anger toward him even more. His father constantly tried to keep them apart, keep his son protected from her, no longer wanting her around, especially after finding out that she had dropped every bit of help that she had been getting. He promised to try and stay with her only if she promised to get help again. She didn't keep her promise and so he found a new place to stay with Hyunjin, doing his best to make sure that she couldn't come around.

Their peace lasted for a few years until she found them again. She was far from in her right mind and seemed even worse than before. Hyunjin's father quickly hid his son, refusing to let his mother find him, unsure of what the woman would do to him. Hyunjin cooperated but regretted it as he watched his mother kill his father. That was the day something in him broke and he felt a pain he couldn't understand. As his mother searched the house for him, Hyunjin snuck to where he knew his father kept a gun for protection. He didn't think twice before shooting the woman in the head. He spent the rest of the day crying over his father's body, clinging to him. When his grandfather finally arrived and got things sorted out, he offered to take Hyunjin to the West with him but the boy refused, not wanting to leave the home he'd had with his father, not wanting to leave the memories. His grandfather decided not to force him and simply agreed to pay for any and everything he needed and that all he had to do was ask.

Hyunjin spent less than a year alone before his home was broken into, which is how he ended up meeting Changbin. Hyunjin was worried the other was a threat but soon found him to be just hunting for something to eat. So, Hyunjin fed him. Hyunjin wasn't very talkative as he had little interactions with anyone aside from his father, grandfather and mother, the boy's father never letting him out alone for fear his mother would kill him. Albeit for his safety, his social skills suffered. He didn't have to be socially adept in order to notice key things about Changbin. The other apparently couldn't shower and rarely had food or a place to lay his head while Hyunjin had all of the above. After a few visits from the other, Changbin grew less shy and more bubbly, and Hyunjin became aware that the other was growing attached to him. Changbin was willing to listen to him and it opened up the door for Hyunjin to find comfort in another person. He began to allow Changbin to stay with him, where he takes care of him and watches over him, even to this day.

He doesn't let his grandfather or Changbin know that he makes extra money on the side as a contract killer. It started with him looking for work but for something that would allow him to mostly stay at home. He eventually learned about contracts to kill, which aren't uncommon in the East. Through his work as a contract killer, he's also taught himself different programming skills and also works as a hacker. With his grandfather getting much older in age, Hyunjin wants to be able to take care of himself, and Changbin as well, and not have his grandfather worry over him anymore. He visits his grandfather on a regular basis and takes Changbin with him when he does.

Physical appearance
How old does he appear: Younger.
Weight: 128 lbs/58kg
Height: 5'11"/179cm
Body build: Lean but musclar.
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Light honey.
Distinguishing marks: A mole/beauty mark under left eye. 
Predominant features: A scar along his nape from an instance when his mother hit him in the back of the head with a glass bottle.
Hair color: Black.
Type of hair: Mostly straight with a slight curl.
Hairstyle: Somewhat short for now. (x)  Occasionally, lets it grow long. (1) (2)
Voice: Smooth. 
Overall attractiveness: Changbin seems attracted to him. So do some of his contractors.
Physical disabilities: N/A
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern
Usual fashion of dress: Comfortable.
Favorite outfit: At home - (1) (2) (3) (4) Working (Outside Home) - (1) (2) (3) (4)
Jewelry or accessories: Not usually but, when he does, it's either things his father got him or his father's old jewelry and accessories. 
Piercings: Ears: Both single lobesRight double helix. | Lip: (Left) Side Labret. | Abdomen: Navel. | Wants more.
Tattoos: (All done by Changbin, each one has a meaning.) Behind right ear: x | Behind left ear: both | Neck: under adam's apple | Collarbone: repeated across | Right hand: x | Left hand: wings only and above the wings | Right inner wrist: x | Left inner wrist: x | Back right shoulder: x | Right ribcage: x | Left ribcage: x | Right hip: x | Lower Back: x || Couple/Matching Tattoos with Changbin - Outer side of left index finger (thumb side): dark sun, clear moon | Right inner elbow crease: no matter where | Left inner elbow crease: where you lead | Upper right arm: beauty | Right outer ankle: flower | Spine: no matter where

Good personality traits: Loyal. Honest. Trustworthy. Hardworker.
Bad personality traits: Socially inept. Reticent. 
Mood character is most often in: Calm/Cold.
Sense of humor: It...exists...
Character’s greatest joy in life: Changbin.
Character’s greatest fear: Losing Changbin.
Why? He's the first person after Hyunjin's father to make him feel anything, let alone peace and love.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? If something happened to Changbin.
Character is most at ease when: Changbin is home with him.
Most ill at ease when: Changbin has to perform with the band and he can't be there to watch over him and the members.
Enraged when: Someone threatens Changbin.
Depressed or sad when: He has to travel to the West without Changbin or spend the night somewhere without him.
Priorities: Changbin. His grandfather.
Life philosophy: Just breathe.
If granted one wish, it would be: To have his father back.
Why? He misses him every day, and he wishes he could tell him he loves him and that his father could hear it. Also, he would love for him to meet Changbin.
Character’s soft spot: Changbin.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Not in the slightest. Only to Hyunjin's grandfather.
Greatest strength: His mind.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His alexithymia.
Biggest regret: Not being able to protect his father.
Minor regret: Wishing he'd killed his mother sooner so that his father would be alive.
Biggest accomplishment: Teaching Changbin to read. 
Minor accomplishment: Teaching himself programming.
Education: Completely homeschooled by his father.
Intelligent or not? Very.
Optimist or pessimist? Realist.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly but neat at home. Methodical, otherwise.
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing.
Confident or unsure of himself? Unknown.
Animal lover? Unknown.

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: A result of his father's love.
One word to describe himself: Blunt.
What does the character consider his best personality trait? Loyalty.
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Being emotionally challenged.
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? Hands.
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? N/A
How does the character think others perceive him: Cold.
What would the character most like to change about himself: His alexithymia.
Self-Confidence: Average?
How does the character cope with fury and rage? He doesn't.
… with unhappiness? Cuddle with Changbin.
… with rivalry? N/A
… with new situations? Faces everything head on.
… with trouble? Methodically.
What’s his meaning of life? Changbin.
What would he like to change in his life? Being able to live with his father, grandfather and Changbin all together.
What things motivate the character? Changbin.
What situations scares the character? Changbin doing shows while he has to work.
What makes this character happy? Hiding away with Changbin.
Is the character often biased? Yes.
Does the character prefer to give or to take? Give.
Is the character rather nice or rude? He doesn't talk to anyone really aside from his grandfather and Changbin, so most consider him rude in person. 

Drives and motivations: To take care of Changbin.
Immediate goals: Earn money.
Long term goals: At least buy a security system from the West for his and Changbin's home.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Just continue working as he does.
How other characters will be affected: Only offenders trying to invade their home or hurt Changbin will be hurt/eliminated.

First memory: His father singing "happy birthday" to him over a cupcake with a sparkler candle.
Most important childhood memory: The last time he heard his father tell him "I love you."
Why: He won't be able to hear it ever again.
Childhood hero: His father.
Dream job: He's fine with how things are now.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: N/A
Why? He's never really done anything that's triggered an embarrassed emotion or some semblance of it.
Character’s darkest secret: He killed his mother.
Does anyone else know? His grandfather.

Color: Black.
Least favorite color: None.
Music: Only listens to music Changbin shares with him.
Food: Eats and cooks whatever he can, typically whatever Changbin is in the mood to eat.
Literature: His father's journals.
Form of entertainment: Programming.
Expressions: Positive mind, positive vibes.
Mode of transportation: Walking.
Most prized possession: His father's belongings. Anything Changbin gives him.

Good Habits: Working through his alexithymia with notes and studies from his father's journals. Doing what he can to extend his knowledge. Learning what he can to help extend Changbin's knowledge.
Bad Habits: Swearing too much. Maybe drinking too much. Not telling Changbin or his grandfather what he actually does in his free time/for a living.
Hobbies: Programming. Research. Teaching Changbin. Shooting practice. Combat practice.
Plays a musical instrument? No.
Plays a sport? No.
How he would spend a rainy day: Curled up inside with Changbin.
Spending habits: Only spends money on Changbin.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Sometimes.
Other drugs: No.
Addictions: Self-harm.
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? Nothing aside from his disorder.
What does he do too much of? Nothing really.
What does he do too little of? Nothing really.
Extremely skilled at: Sniping. Cooking. Programming.
Extremely unskilled at: Communicating. 
Nervous tics: Scratching at his arms until they bleed. He'll never scratch over a tattoo though.
Usual body posture: Erect and proper.
Mannerisms: Quiet and composed.
Peculiarities: He just has to make sure things are in order for Changbin. He won't move anything if he feels like Changbin won't be able to find it or if it's something that Changbin keeps in a particular place.

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Simply unsure.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? Yes? He doesn't understand his own thoughts and emotions so he can't convey them properly anyway.
Person character most hates: His deceased mother.
Best friend(s): Changbin.
Love interest(s): N/A
Person character goes to for advice: Changbin. His grandfather.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Changbin. His grandfather.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: N/A
Person character openly admires: N/A
Person character secretly admires: N/A
Mother: Deceased.
Relationship with her: He pretends she never existed in his life.
Father: Deceased.
Relationship with him: He misses him much more than he can understand or put into words.
Siblings: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Spouse: N/A
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: N/A
Grandparents: He's grown to know his grandfather better after his father died. He doesn't know his mother's parents and doesn't know anything about his father's mother.
Grandchildren: N/A
Other relationships with other characters:
He's one of the first people to have hired Hyunjin. Hyunjin, at this point, has done quite a lot of work for him, including just tracking people and keeping an eye on them. Hanse only knows him as Shadow or Nightmare and Hyunjin only bothers knowing and referring to him as Dragon. 
Subin: Hyujin has gotten to know Subin to a vague degree from working with Hanse. He can recognize Subin but he doesn't remember ever actually talking to him. If he could understand awkwardness, that's exactly what air sits around them.
Dongju: Hyunjin has seen Dongju on numerous occasions thanks to their mutual connection of Hanse. Dongju has managed to catch him more than once and actually talk to him. The air between them isn't as awkward and cold as it is between Hyunjin and Subin but it's not far from it.
Hongjoong: Hongjoong doesn't have a clue what Hyunjin looks like but they regularly exchange messages regarding Changbin. It's usually just Hyunjin checking in that Changbin is with him or the band, namely when Hyunjin has trouble getting in contact with Changbin directly. One could say they're simply acquaintances.
SpecterHyunjin can't tell if the kid is a fan or an enemy but Hyunjin is very aware this person likes to go out of their way to get his attention. He isn't amused. They've never met in person or even attempted to but, all in all, Hyunjin just wishes they would leave him alone most of the time since they hinder his work, seemingly just for fun.