Personal Message

emil mesmer. [h]2:34:38 PMReply

ada ( ´ ◡ ` ) ♡

emil mesmer. [h]1:19:03 AMReply

my world ( / ◡ \ )


emil mesmer. [h]1:18:42 AMReply

ada the world ,

emil mesmer.1:43:53 AMReply

i love ada


emil mesmer.1:43:49 AMReply



Ada Mesmer


Lover, empathizes, desires for control, not a fan of small talk/pointless socializing

Ada Mesmer is a well-educated psychologist born into a family of doctors. At the age of 25, she began to devote herself to hypnotherapy research, using hypnotic suggestions to eliminate the pain, fear, and other negative emotions plaguing her patients. However, her theories failed repeatedly, and test subjects failed to respond to her hypnosis as they could not bear the pain she put them through. After several failed attempts, she had no choice but to leave the institution and look for new test subjects and research methods.

Several years later, during her short residency at White Sand Street Asylum, Ada met a patient with amnesia—Emil. Silent and mysterious, he was exceptionally responsive to hypnosis. Ada grew increasingly attracted to Emil and confirmed that he was the perfect test subject she had been looking for. As her contract with the asylum was about to expire, Ada could no longer ignore her complex feelings for Emil, and she decided to help him escape.

After leaving the asylum, Ada continued her research with Emil, attempting to treat his symptoms. Hypnotherapy was Ada's lifelong pursuit, but her relationship with Emil gradually became another essential part of her life. A few years later, her research finally achieved some results, but Emil's improving condition suddenly began to regress.

Their twisted but pure love tied them together. She firmly believed that the amnesiac Emil just needed the right doctor and that only she could save him. To find a way to cure Emil, she accepted a deal proposed by an old acquaintance.