
Character’s full name: Choi San
Character’s nickname: Sannie, River/Kang
Actual age: 29
Age goes by: 23
Actual birth date: July 10, 1993
Birth date goes by: July 10, 1999

Nationality: Korean
Side: Eastern-born.
The current place for living: West.
Job title: Masseur.
Employing company: Gentle Touch Spa Center & Private Clients.
Income: Comfortable.
Relationship status: Single.
Orientation: He actually doesn't know. He's never really had time to think about it and he's never gotten confessions either.
Languages: He's got tongue technology in a number of ways.
Background: San and his younger sister Haneul spent most of their childhood in a church orphanage in the East. As for what happened to their parents, San, to this day, isn't sure if they were actually killed or if it was just a lie he'd gotten himself to believe so he could get his sister to believe it as well. Part of him hopes that it's true so that he doesn't have to consider that his parents actually gave him and his sister up, like he knows a good amount of the parents in the East seem to do, and for their own selfish desires. Either way, he grew up alongside Hanse and his sister Hanbi. The four had become considerably close but San learned early on that something wasn't right about those church leaders. He tried to warn Hanse, and even a few others but he understood why the ones he warned didn't really want to leave. He didn't want to either, especially with his little sister relying on him. They all had no where to go. That was the reason they were there after all. 
San got himself and his sister out of their early on, before everything came to light.

Living on the streets was incredibly hard, especially with how young they were. The two picked up on a small pickpocketing scheme where Haneul would distract while San would pickpocket. It lasted them for what felt like a long time. They stopped going hungry, well, they were no longer starving every day. Sometimes, they stole food and clothes from street vendors or from stores they could sneak in and out of. Some people were nice enough to give them shelter or some clothing or food for a day but then they had to be on their way. Things got really messy one day though when San managed to steal from someone in a gang. He was only a young teenager at the time and didn't understand what in the world he was supposed to do with a couple of flash drives. He figured that maybe he could just sell them for some really big money so he held onto them. Taking the money from the wallet he stole with the drives, he ended up tossing the wallet away. With the amount of money he'd found, him and his sister would have been covered for probably years. It spiraled just as quickly as they'd gotten the slightest sliver of sunshine.

The flashdrives held information of the carrier's rival gang. He found this out the hard way when he and his sister ended up kidnapped and threatened to return the drives. San had hidden them somewhere safe, somewhere his sister didn't know about for her own safety. After all, they had no way to access them or even any knowledge of how to use them. He tried to convince them to at least exchange the drives for some money, wanting to be able to have enough money to get a place for him and Haneul so they wouldn't live on the streets anymore. When they threatened his sister, he gave up the idea and went to get them the flashdrives. In the midst of him doing so, he was followed by people from that rival gang, the specific one that the drives had so much information about. They warned him that handing over those flashdrives could end up costing a lot of lives in the East, and possibly in the West as well. They offered to help him get his sister back and compensate him if he were to cooperate. At this point, he just wanted to be done with the drives and get his sister back. He led them to where he and his sister were being held and he wasn't surprised that fighting broke out almost immediately. Caught in the crossfire, San isn't sure if he was knocked out by a stray punch or if he'd been shot or stabbed, but he woke up to an empty warehouse, even his sister gone.

Only 15 at the time, San found himself the apple of Jiyong's eye. San wasn't aware of it but he had played a part in Jiyong catching some of those in his gangs that were trying to rise up against him. The drives that San had stolen held special information about the gangs under the Kwon family that he'd paid to have collected himself. They'd initially been stolen from Jiyong so that the traitors hidden amongst the gangs wouldn't be found out but then it became an all out war for them so that the gangs could fight amongst themselves before going for the head seat. With Jiyong himself having a sister that had somewhat recently gone missing, he found himself attaching even more to San. San easily clung to him as he'd found no one else to ever be as caring and protective over him other than his sister. Jiyong made sure that San learned the ropes so that he could safely stay by Jiyong's side, as many people were always out to get him. San eventually began to work as one of Jiyong's bodyguards before eventually becoming his main one. He'd earned himself the name Kang or River due to how quiet, swift and strong he's always been, a name that kind of stuck after Jiyong had made a comment in such regard.

When things began to fall apart, San still refused to leave Jiyong's side, refusing to lose his last piece of, well, everything. Even when Jiyong moved to the West to really hide away for some time, San didn't hesitate to go with him. It's been a few years since then and San is still getting adjusted. Although he's treated more as Jiyong's son in the West rather than his bodyguard, San still keeps an eye out for him when he can even though it's much quieter for them both now. San doesn't need to work as Jiyong makes sure to take care of his "son" very well so that he wants for nothing at all but San enjoys being able to get out and see the world outside, especially with how different it is from the East. More than anything, he wishes they can both find their sisters and live as they are now with them in peace.

Physical appearance
How old does he appear: []
Weight: []
Height: []
Body build: [].
Eye color: []
Glasses or contacts: [].
Skin tone: []
Distinguishing marks: [] 
Predominant features: []
Hair color: []
Type of hair: []
Hairstyle: []
Voice: []
Overall attractiveness: []
Physical disabilities: []
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): []
Usual fashion of dress: []
Favorite outfit: []
Jewelry or accessories: []
Piercings: []
Tattoos: []

Good personality traits: []
Bad personality traits: []
Mood character is most often in: []
Sense of humor: []
Character’s greatest joy in life: []
Character’s greatest fear: []
Why? []
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? []
Character is most at ease when: []
Most ill at ease when: []
Enraged when: []
Depressed or sad when: []
Priorities: []
Life philosophy: []
If granted one wish, it would be: []
Why? []
Character’s soft spot: []
Is this soft spot obvious to others? []
Greatest strength:[]
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: []
Biggest regret: []
Minor regret: []
Biggest accomplishment: []
Minor accomplishment: []
Education: []
Intelligent or not? []
Optimist or pessimist? []
Introvert or extrovert? []
Daredevil or cautious? []
Logical or emotional? []
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? []
Prefers working or relaxing? []
Confident or unsure of himself? []
Animal lover? []

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: []
One word to describe himself: []
What does the character consider his best personality trait? []
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? []
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? []
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? []
How does the character think others perceive him: []
What would the character most like to change about himself: []
Self-Confidence: []
How does the character cope with fury and rage? []
… with unhappiness? []
… with rivalry? []
… with new situations? []
… with trouble? []
What’s his meaning of life? []
What would he like to change in his life? []
What things motivate the character? []
What situations scares the character? []
What makes this character happy? []
Is the character often biased? []
Does the character prefer to give or to take? []
Is the character rather nice or rude? []

Drives and motivations: []
Immediate goals: []
Long term goals: []
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: []
How other characters will be affected: []

First memory: []
Most important childhood memory: []
Why: []
Childhood hero: []
Dream job: []
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: []
Why? []
Character’s darkest secret: []
Does anyone else know? []

Color: []
Least favorite color: []
Music: []
Food: []
Literature: []
Form of entertainment: []
Expressions: []
Mode of transportation: []
Most prized possession: []

Good Habits: []
Bad Habits: []
Hobbies: []
Plays a musical instrument? []
Plays a sport? []
How he would spend a rainy day: []
Spending habits: []
Smokes: []
Drinks: []
Other drugs: []
Addictions: []
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? []
What does he do too much of? []
What does he do too little of? []
Extremely skilled at: []
Extremely unskilled at: []
Nervous tics: []
Usual body posture: []
Mannerisms: []
Peculiarities: []

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: []
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? []
Person character most hates: []
Best friend(s): 
Love interest(s):
Person character goes to for advice:
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Person character openly admires:
Person character secretly admires:
Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Relationship with them:
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:
Sisters or brothers
Wife or husband:
Other relationships with other characters:
[Character 1]
[Character 2]
[Character 3]
[Character 4]
[Character 5]