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hwang hyunjin
ripple beach
plot name + status
a hot mess + ongoing
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lee felix
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n/a + plotting
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choi chanhee
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can we be friends? + has to start
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lee taeyeob
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n/a + plotting
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jung wookjin
saint-coquille st
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guardian angel + waiting on starter 
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jung wheein
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n/a + plotting
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lee juyeon
plot name + status
bring me back + plotting
I no longer feared the darkness once I knew the phoenix in me would rise from the ashes..
—quote source
Scary Love
The Neighbourhood
updated on 00.00
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when xiaoting
date of birth
zodiac sign
the crystalabra's owner
heteroromantic bi
love inerest
about me
updated on 16.08.22
Fenghuang birds are mythological creatures said to rule over all other birds. Traditionally, the Bird’s presentation with a mix of a Rooster’s beak, Swallow’s face, Fowl’s forehead, Snake’s neck, Goose’s , Tortoise’s back, hind legs of a Stag and a Fish’s tail.

These days, the bird is often described as an amalgamation of other birds such as A golden peasant's head, a Mandarin duck's body, a Peacock’s tail, Crane’s legs, a [arrot'ss  beak and a Swallow’s wings. 

The Bird’s composite body parts are said to represent different aspects of space. The Bird’s head, for example, represents the sky while its tail represents the planets. The eyes represent the sun, and the Bird’s back symbolises the moon; its wings represent the wind, and its feet represent the earth. The fenghuang is a symbol of virtue and grace and also symbolizes yin and yang. 

With Shen Xiaoting being a fenghuang, she can forsee oments and also balances the yin and yang elements on this earth. She has a gift for judging one's character precisely and bestowing blessings on the honorable and kind.
Rapture, encompassing golden hues of light, when one looks at Xiaoting they see someone semblance of a goddess, or even a celestial being. Xiaoting is highly gifted and she can bestow blessings on those deserving sure, but she is never one to use these charms to her advantage. Recently moving from Chengdu, Sichuan, China, the young lady found herself setting up residency in Rigbarth. A fantasy village, housing many inhabitants and an evergrowing community for mythical beings such as herself.  She made a drastic move and dealing with the cosmics as part of her mythical gifts, she became inclined with crystals and working with the moon. Deciding it's about time she give blessings onto those who are well-deserving and even protection, she start manufacturing her very own Crystals, whether she wound them into jewelry of make them into little trinkets and charms, they still do their job. Come visit The Crystalabra to get a wide variety on choices of pristine, magical crystals to help heal one's soul and protect them from evil, enhance their spirituality and love/ual life.

Xiaoting is an easy to get along with type of girl, a remarkably independent young woman, with great foresight and an instinctual gift like no other. Better think twice about double crossing her and making an enemy out of her. Even though, she's a mythical being, Xiaoting has been through her fair share of troubles in the past. Leaving her hometown was no other reason but due to human traifficking and before she got tracked down in that hellhole, she fled faster than she can turn back and seek out her family members. Check to see if they're still alive and okay, would they get out? Were they captured? Or are they at peace? Xiaoting may never know. 
updated on 16.08.22
—10k notes
updated on 16.08.22

anything to do with the moon, planets, sun, cosmics, flowers (esp cherry blossoms), coffee, tea, wine, food (esp chicken and tteokboki), books, kind people, animals, animal lovers, honest people, loyalty, making new friends, socializing, seeking out adventures.


nosy people, rude people, animal abusers, disloyal and dishonest people, cabbage and eggplant.


xiaoting is a dancer, she performs in her freetimem for little events, functions, weddings, parties at rigbarth, enjoys drawing and any form of art, especially abstract! She loves photography and extreme sports, she also loves tending to flowers as she has a little garden of her own back at home.


find out if her family is still alive, bring them here to settle down. free them and possibly find some form of happiness such as companionship and love just as she helps others.

updated on 16.08.22
— bring me back [1/1 - juyeon]
YC is someone from her past, doesn't need to be someone who born and grew up in china, could be anyone who may have visited. someone she got really close to and had unrequited love with but someone who was also loyal and always there for her, meeting back here today is like she's reliving her happy moments in her past once more.
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Slice of life, hurt and comfort, angst, drama, possible romance, possible past /present, etc.
— can we be friends? [1/1 - chanhee]
YC was the first person to greet xiating and show her around, get her acquainted with the little cozy village and assisted her in setting up her business. you could possibly part-time for her if you'd like. we can see how this goes and grows! Bigger question is can she even trust you? 
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ slice of life, mystery, friendship, possibly more, curious tendencies, adventure, etc. 
— frenemy [0/1 - m/f]
Xiaoting won't hurt a fly or even a person unless they get on her very last nerve and that's exactly what YC always manages to do! Weary, pissed and disgusted by the amount of times an argument break out, sometimes Xiaoting feels as if she would be all too happy to smack you over the head with one of her frying pan. No regrets, it's how much you irk her and get under her skin. It could a tsundere type of mentality towards her, a playful bullying type that gets out of control and mean, or it can just be a tom and jerry relationship. Either way, it'll be fun and spice things up! It could also turn out as a romantic interest because opposites attract!

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Slice of life, hate/love, hurt & comfort, drama, angst, frenemy relationship, tsundere concept, possible romance/, etc.
updated on 00.00
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
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