
NAME: Zanatherian Crimsongleam
NICKNAME: Zanath | Z | Zan
AGE: 125
RACE: Sin'dorei


Zanath can come over emotionless and intimidating, and well maybe that's just down to his trust issues, he isn't much of a social butterfly and tends to prefer straight-to-the-point sort of conversation. He is a good listener though and does take the time to do so, especially if the one talking to him isn't wealthy or a prick. He has very little patience and tolerance towards the wealthy who belittle others around them and isn't afraid to be colourful with his word choice. He has a brazen personality and can be very vindictive and selfish in nature depending on the situation. There are times when he will react before thinking making him impulsive and unpredictable.
If one thing is obvious about this particular Elf, it's that befriending him is not going to be an easy task and requires determination and effort to get past that guard he has up constantly.

The rogue is usually clad in some type of leather armour, if he's out on a specific intel mission or contracts to kill then he'd be unidentifiable with the gear he wears as his face isn't visible and his style is completely different.
When it comes to casual attire he looks like a completely different person, much more approachable for a start and is likely the only time he seems slightly relaxed in general, you're also more than likely to be able to notice his ear piercings better as well at the scars that adorn his arms, face and legs as they tend to stand out a little from the way they've scarred over.
The scars on his arms and legs are mostly from cuts and burns he obtained in fights, the one on his face was from a close call with a blade and runs from just above his right brow to the middle of his left cheek where it tapers off.
On his right arm, it is adorned with three tattoos. One is an upper arm half-sleeve of feathers made from white ink and the other two are on his forearm closer to the wrist with a simple design, one a colourful flower and the other a simple tribal style of the horde symbol.


Born and raised into a well off family, Zanatherian should have grown up to be one of your typical spoilt brat type of people. His father was a proud holier-than-thou kind of Paladin and his mother who was a Hunter had not been any better, he has three older brothers, the eldest being the most pompous piece of work ever and was the golden child of the family, the guy could do no wrong in the parent's eyes. The other two brothers he had rarely seen as they both saw sense and fled the nest the first chance they got, they did worry about Zanath though. Zanath grew up to be a rather bitter and angry rebel of a child with how his parents and eldest brother treated him over his childhood, teenage years, and as a young adult to the point that he decided on forgetting his original want to be a Hunter and instead studied the ways of a rogue, excelling in swordsmanship and creating his own toxins and poisons which would end up leading him down a very dark path and proceeded to eventually murder both of his parents and eldest brother in cold blood in order to feel "free" of the hell he'd been living in. However, it didn't just stop there now that he'd had a taste for killing someone, he'd go on to kill those who he deemed evil and twisted. He was never caught for these specific outrageous crimes and hadn't even been a suspect in the murder of his own parents and brother, people just saw him as the poor misunderstood child with issues and he never once corrected their train of thought about it. He continued to hunt down people who had done wrong, committing ruthless and vindictive crimes against them and their families if he had to, however, he would never harm a child, the innocent, or a pregnant person no matter how much of a murderous state of rage he was in.

At one point he joined a group of mixed races from both Alliance and Horde as a pirate, it was his type of adventure and also helped to fill that need for spilling blood when they attacked other ships, which lasted him maybe a good two to three years before he moved on to do things on the mainland again. Over the next few years, he'd start up his murder sprees again on people who did such unforgivable acts themselves, he was following his own laws as he had a brazen disregard for the usual laws and in his own twisted mind, he was doing good deeds by getting rid of the evil-hearted. He hoarded valuables from those he'd killed to sell off at black markets or to other thieves and criminals. 
He was a fighter and enjoyed brawling whenever there was a chance in an inn or even on the streets, he was rather good at what he did though got a bit too greedy when he craved more which would ultimately be his main mistake as he was found out for only one murder. It took a while for him to be tracked down and caught and was thrown behind bars for a good few years until one of his brothers managed to get him out and talk things out with him, the older brother seemed to understand him and offered to help him get back onto his feet again. Time behind bars gave him more than enough time to rethink his lifestyle choices and where to go once he got out of there. He'd remain on the path of a rogue and he wasn't about to stop killing people, though this time he'd go down a more "legal" way of doing this through contracts. Thankfully he has managed to correct his ways to an extent and is no longer driven purely by reckless anger or the need to see someone bleed.

When he isn't out culling those who have done something immoral, he's usually out doing other things for a price, be it gathering meats and/or leather to sell off or handing over to a client to intel missions and duties, simple mercenary stuff. His goal these days is to help the poorer in any way he can and protect the vulnerable.