Personal Message

Full Name: Kim Seokwoo (김석우)
Nicknames: Seokwoo, Rowoon, Woowoo
Age: 26 years old
Date of Birth: April 8, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Orientation: Heteroual
Relationship Status: Single, but not actively looking.

Race: Human
Occupation: Restaurant Owner (Lackadaisy Restaurant)

Biography — coming soon!

Personality — level-headed, friendly, affectionate, playful, humorous and occasionally dramatic (in the lightest sense of the word), a bit too trusting of everyone and always sees the good in people, sadly.

Likes — working at Lackadaisy, cooking, sleeping, dogs and cats, milkshakes, people who return his friendly energy, shopping for clothes, comfortable hoodies and pants, flowers, reading
Dislikes — rude customers, clumsy people (he says this while being slightly clumsy himself), spoiled food, spiders
Hobbies — collecting miniature houses and furniture that he assembles himself, knitting

MUN — She / Her pronouns. GMT+8 timezone. I am of age (26) and I’m comfortable with mature themes, although they’re not usually the themes I go for. Do not post on my wall unless I allow it, PM me for OOC talk or to plot a thread. 

WRITING STYLE — I prefer 3rd POV for most threads with plots, detailed 1st POV can be done if you prefer that. The lengths of my replies vary, from semi-para to almost novella, depending on my muse but I always try my best to mirror.

PLOTTING — Please read my profile before approaching me. I prefer plotting but sometimes casual roleplaying is fine too, I can easily wing. All genres are welcome, little to not triggers, though I do have some topics I actively avoid.

NSFW — I will only do NSFW plots with those who are 18+ OOC and IC. is possible, but I prefer with a plot.

TRIGGERS — Topics I actively avoid plotting are , ual assault, , any es with bodily waste. Please let me know if you have any triggers I should be careful about mentioning, I will put trigger warnings if mentioning any of those.

REPLY SPEED / ACTIVITY — Feel free to poke me if I haven’t replied within a week. I’m not too slow with replying, but it does depend on my muse with how fast I respond. I try my best not to take too long and will try to reply within 3 days. If you want to drop a thread or end it there, just let me know! Sometimes I will be active in the chat room and not replying to our threads, but that doesn’t mean I’m ignoring our threads. I just don’t have the muse to answer at that moment.

LOCATIONS — Public rooms only. Wall roleplaying is possible, but only if there are no available public rooms at all for roleplaying our desired plot.