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The poet waits quietly
                  to paint the unsaid.

— Atticus.

history / about / bio

Felix grew up within a rather peaceful pack of wolves, part of a small family of 4, he grew up feeling rather outcast within his society. His family lived hidden within a bustling city of humans, and while these days getting away with things like that were much harder, back then it had been all the norm to him. He grew up around them, making friends with them and truly believing he was just like them-- until his pack was hunted down. He lost his brother in the raid-- and he has never been the same since. No longer the ray of sunshine he once was, he feels betrayed by the humans and has fallen back on the only thing that hasn't led him astray-- books. Felix spends all his time surrounded by the words of millions, recluse and closed off-- but still the kind boy he has always been, just.. muted.

No longer the ray of sunshine he once was, he feels betrayed by the humans and has fallen back on the only thing that hasn't led him astray-- books. Felix spends all his time surrounded by the words of millions, recluse and closed off-- but still the kind boy he has always been, just.. shaded.


Quick Facts
Felix is a total book nerd, he loves novels and writing and hopes to one day complete one of his own when his muse sparks. He hasn't felt much since he left home.
Reading, Writing, Poetry, Rain, Sunlight, Flowers, Cold Weather, Soft Things, Comforting Scents, Fireplaces, Music.
Sudden Noises, Arguments, Violence, Soggy Clothes, Feeling Sad, Birds, Torn Books.
Short Poetry, Knitting, Gardening, Baking, Singing, Playing Instruments.
He has a pretty high drive but doesn't know how to approach anyone with the offer... so instead he takes care of himself. He also is not one for a monogamous relationship, much preferring open style relationships-- but fearing he would hurt a significant other by asking for it.
His loved ones dying, Abandonment, Disappointing the pack, Being permanently injured, Losing his eyesight.
Tends to linger in his negative thoughts a bit too often, Has a bad habit of spacing off in conversations, Can be a tad bit dimwitted at times, Bites erasers off every single pencil he gets ahold of, All of his emotions are tied to his tear ducts.

my beloved

relationship status
lover name

Message to your lover would go right here. Can be as long or short as you want. The picture to the left can also be as long as you want, but must be more than like 45px long. Anyway, yeah, put a message or something here.

You can also use this for links or something idk. Go crazy, go stupid. And know that the text will carry on underneath the picture if you type enough.

out of character

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 Try to have something in mind and read my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying. If you'd like, send me a random starter! I actually love 'em! And the more unique or out of the box, the better.

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I do semi-para to novella. Plots are generally done in 3rd pov, while winged scenes or chats are done in 1st or 3rd pov. Lengthwise, I try to mirror, but I can get carried away fairly easy, so it's not guaranteed.

•.*★ plotting style。 I prefer winging over plotting most times, but I can plot. Because of this, I'll often do vague-ish plots that provide enough detail for you, but also give me enough room to play with our ideas. I also don't typically approach people unless I have a plot or idea in mind, and I really like when people do the same. Saves a lot of time.

To be honest, I also like writing starters and will most times if I know what I'm doing and if it makes sense for me to do it, but don't shove them on me. I get burned out doing so at times.

•.*★ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Like, I can do one lining script all the way to novella, in both 1st and 3rd pov. I'm really chill with whatever you wanna do!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 I will never poke you. Never poke me or I will ragequit/ignore you. You also don't need to remind me about me owing you a reply. I usually remember who I'm roleplaying with. Also refrain from using my activity or lack of it as an excuse to pester me about a reply. Doing like that will just annoy me and make me prolong sending something if I send something at all.

I'm usually very slow with my replies, sometimes because of the length, but sometimes because I'm just slow to do them. We can always drop/pick up our thread(s), but make sure you communicate with me. Also know that I might be active in the chat infrequently or a lot. I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to this.

Location Preferences

Honestly, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. I like rooms, walls when I'm busy, and I'm okay with PMs. Most plots I do are public friendly too, and when they aren't, I take them to PMs.


Connection Name

  • Availability: Open
  • Relationship: Close Friend.
  • Secondary Gender: Any.
  • Recommended Age: Early 20s.
  • Trivia: Could become more.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
You and Felix hit it off from the start, the very moment you saw him join the pack, his eyes on the ground and his petite figure hunched inwards on himself. You could tell he was a puddle of negative emotions, and although you yourself are quite the loud person-- something about Felix drew you in. It didn't take long until the two of you were inseparable.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open
  • Relationship: Crush.
  • Secondary Gender: Alpha or Beta.
  • Recommended Age: Any.
  • Trivia: Someone caring and kind.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Felix hadn't felt an emotion like this in a very long time... years even. He was crushing on you-- hard. He would steal glances at you any chance he could get, often gifting you little snacks and knickknacks he picked up for his library. You made his heart race, his pulse rise, and his freckles pop out even more from his reddened cheeks. He liked you a lot... in a way he could hardly explain. And so he writes about it.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open
  • Relationship: Brotherly Figure.
  • Secondary Gender: Any.
  • Recommended Age: 25+.
  • Trivia: Platonic Love.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Somehow in some way you have adopted Felix as your own fake little brother. Neither of you are sure how it happened, maybe it is a natural instinct to protect him and his clumsy self, or perhaps in another life you two had been siblings. Whatever the reason, you would never let anything happen to him-- and for that.. Felix is grateful.

scenarios / plots

Plot Title: Put that here

: 01
Availability: Open/Taken
Genres: Here.
Preferred Gender: Here.
Rating: Here.
Trivia: Here.
: 02
Plot description goes here. Type as much as you want because there isn't limited space to do so. Go crazy, go stupid.

Plot Title: Put that here

: 01
Availability: Open/Taken
Genres: Here.
Preferred Gender: Here.
Rating: Here.
Trivia: Here.
: 02
Plot description goes here. Type as much as you want because there isn't limited space to do so. Go crazy, go stupid.

Plot Title: Put that here

: 01
Availability: Open/Taken
Genres: Here.
Preferred Gender: Here.
Rating: Here.
Trivia: Here.
: 02
Plot description goes here. Type as much as you want because there isn't limited space to do so. Go crazy, go stupid.

aesthetic / friends

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