
FC name: Chris Hemsworth
OC Name: Thorn Oakenshield 
Kingdom: Unclaimed Lands
Role Within Kingdom: Military? Unless he doesn’t have one?
Secret about Character: he was born from the unclaimed lands but has Military Skills and can think like a soldier.

Bio: (finally) Thorn grew up fast, his older brother had been his father figure growing up and he always thought it would be he and him against the ing world. Alas that fate could never come to fruition, because not long after Thorn's 21st birthday, his brother had vanished... just vanished without a trace and ever since than he has always had haunting dreams of what could or may have happened to his brother... his name was Brawn Oakenshield. 

That was over 20 years ago, now Thorn has decided the best thing to do with his time is hunt, and hunt, and hunt some more. He had the ability to "wield a Weapon of Power." And that had been his gift...anyone who knew that either knew he was a force to be reckoned with or a very reliable source of "help". But he didn't use it just to start fights... it was his tool of choice to get rid of those who would actually kill him and want him dead and to protect those and things he cared about. It only answers to him. he is no god and his weapon is no joke... he aquired it after he had met a powerful mage who had for some reason at the time entrusted him with it and had basically handed him over the official ownership to Thorn, he at that time only being 25 and he's now 39.