
NAME: Navarien
NICKNAME: Nav | Navvy | Navari
AGE: 21
BODY TYPE: Slender


The first thing that many notice about this Vulpera is that he is far from destructive and mean, he's quite the opposite of what you'd expect of a stereotypical Warlock, although, you still may want to keep count of what's in your pockets just in case. He can be somewhat awkward and shy on the first meeting, the biggest flaw he'll happily identify before anyone else can point it out for him. It's the slight nervous stutter he hates the most.
He's usually bubbly and friendly but not overly so, he can keep it to a mature and professional level when needed, however, this doesn't mean that he's naive and an easy target to manipulate (...all the time anyway). He likes to go on adventures with or without others, though he much prefers company so that they can save him from some of the monstrosities out there ... how did this Vulpera manage to get Demons to somewhat obey him exactly? Even he isn't sure! While he may come over as a slight wuss, there are occasions when he will brave up and stand his ground in times of need, not hesitating to fight back.
Around those who he makes friends with and within family he can be quite the goofball and will no doubt attempt to make a joke, at least an attempt will have been made once you realise how horrible they are and/or may not make any sense.

His fur is a mix of darker greys and black markings with a white underside and it's evident that he maintains it well, his tail and ears usually end up a little frizzy in places by the end of the day.
Navarien enjoys wearing robes, and simple but fancy clothing along with fancy hats, he doesn't go for bright colours and favours the toned-down kinds, preferably in purples or reds if he can.

Born and raised in Vol'dun, he learned the important skillsets for living in the desert to ensure his survival, something that has stuck with him even after leaving the safety of the sands to come and explore the rest of the World he's never seen. He knows how to hunt and how to con some poor fool that doesn't seem to know any better and he'll still attempt to steal from someone wealthy every now and then. Most of the time, he can be seen riding around on his trusty Hyena or flying on a giant beetle when he's off on an adventure. While his adventures mostly consist of exploring areas and seeing the sights, he's likely also out, gathering some herbs that he'll need to advance his potion-making skills.

Before the Vulpera were allied with the Horde, the young Vulpera had no real idea of what he wanted to do. Even after joining the Horde, he still wasn't fully sure on what he wanted to really do, there was a lot of opportunity waiting for him and in the end, for whatever reason, he became curious about Warlocks and their Magic & Demons and what better way to study them than to become one himself, right? He could have just used a book or twenty, right? He'll never have Demons following him around in cities and only ever summons them when he needs to. 
He struggled for the most part at the start but eventually got help from an experienced Warlock essentially becoming his student and has somewhat improved. Whilst training under his tutor, he grew fond of Alchemy and delved into it although this type of profession is not turning out to be his strong point, he's happy if he can pull off a successful healing potion without setting something on fire or causing an explosion in the lab. It's safe to say that he has a long road ahead of him.