Personal Message



Geralt from Rivia


Roach is his best girl, his loyal horse who is with him through thick and thin.

Witcher, but not because he wants to be so...

Depressed old drunkard.

geralt.7:22:36 PMReply

yeah, that's me

power. [h]7:22:28 PMReply

geralt the horse girl.

sakuragi haruto. ᵗᵒʷᵃ 7 hours ago Reply

@geralt. Towa figures he could have left the alcohol part out when mentioning the sleeping pills, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. Much like anything really. The average person isn't usually popping pills and bottles at the same time, even if he doesn't do it all the time. But it was the truth for that night. And he isn't like the usual person anyway. He lifts a shoulder in a shrug at the question.
Shoots the other a teasing smile
You're not too bad, I guess.

geralt. 7 hours ago Reply 

@sakuragi haruto. ᵗᵒʷᵃ He briefly wonders if the other is human or not. Though geralt isn’t a saint and has his fair share of sin, he thinks drinking and taking medication is a form of self sabotage more so than an aid. He minds his business, not wanting to tell someone how to live their life.
You’re not blowing it in my face
He chuckles
Does that mean you like me?