
Name: Lee dohyun

Birthday: April 11, 1995 (age 27 years)

Orientation: panual

Position: switch, will bottom for certain people.

Occupation: tba 

Looking for: a good time, hook-ups, friends, nsa / married

Bio: married to his wife. at home, he's a puppy to his kids, and their alleged father, tomo. with his complicated life structure, he goes to hazardous playground to escape.


plots under co.

1. his dirty little secret - you know he's married but approach him anyway [1/2 open]

2. sleepy escape - he's tired and spends the night away from his kids at the manor. he's fast asleep in the pitch black room when you barge into the room to let off steam on your own, not knowing he's there. [1/1 closed]

