ic info
posted 3 hours ago
basic info
full name
bae joohyun
date of birth
december 29, 1991
place of birth
illias, orenda
illais, orenda
winter witch council leader
personal info
current status
single, unmarried
love interest
none at this time
20k notes
about me
posted 4 hours ago
Joohyun was born on December 29th, 1991, to a wealthy family of nobles. From birth she was seen as a prized member of the well off bloodline, led by her father to follow the guidelines and be the perfect, well-behaved woman so he would be able to marry her off to a higher up suitor. In all honesty, her father was a rather strict, intense man, determined to make her the best in his eyes as well as the others surrounding him. She paraded around as expected with her chin raised, not bothering to spare at glance at anyone deemed unworthy of her attention.
Outside of the public eye, she was trained and well-versed in poetry, calligraphy, and classical texts, tought to sew, cook, clean, and be seen presentably at all times.Not only was she trained in the arts, but of course in magic as well. She was expected to hone her craft to perfection, being one of fair few who could manipulate ice and water. Although her father was harsh at times, it was true he cared deeply for her, and she could see so in his work. Her mother was quite opposite of her Father, boisterous and amusing, loudmouthed and unfraid of the consequences of her actions or words. She intructed Joohyun on more unconventional topics such as fighting, playing sports, or even reading poems in secret. The time spent with her mother was deeply cherished.
As she grew older, her father begun the process of finding her a well off husband. He searched thoroughly for the best choice, eventually finding the hand of a sibling of the king's familial line. Her family was filled with joy, and although nervous, Joohyun felt proud to represent her household in this large of a position. The wedding was planned, the entirety of the lords and ladies notified-- and just when she was supposed to be happiest, everything fell apart.
Outside of the public eye, she was trained and well-versed in poetry, calligraphy, and classical texts, tought to sew, cook, clean, and be seen presentably at all times.Not only was she trained in the arts, but of course in magic as well. She was expected to hone her craft to perfection, being one of fair few who could manipulate ice and water. Although her father was harsh at times, it was true he cared deeply for her, and she could see so in his work. Her mother was quite opposite of her Father, boisterous and amusing, loudmouthed and unfraid of the consequences of her actions or words. She intructed Joohyun on more unconventional topics such as fighting, playing sports, or even reading poems in secret. The time spent with her mother was deeply cherished.
As she grew older, her father begun the process of finding her a well off husband. He searched thoroughly for the best choice, eventually finding the hand of a sibling of the king's familial line. Her family was filled with joy, and although nervous, Joohyun felt proud to represent her household in this large of a position. The wedding was planned, the entirety of the lords and ladies notified-- and just when she was supposed to be happiest, everything fell apart.
It was exposed that her family, was working with a hidden society of witches mixing with dark magic. The news of the attack and killing of two innocent vampires-- she confronted her parents that very night.
They admit to her that it had been an incident, but an incident that proved to them that witches were in fact higher in ranking than the vampires. Instead of feeling remorse for what they had done, like she had been raised to believe, they rejoiced in the progress they had made overnight.
The very next day, Joohyun reported them to the council. When it came down to it, she was absolutely heartbroken. The fact her closest family and the only two people she had ever loved... had betrayed her, had betrayed all of their kind and that of the vampirekind as well. Devastation soon turned to anger, and anger to pure wrath. When the official decision was made that her parents would be executed- she stepped forward and offered to perform the execution herself. Her mother's sobs still haunt her to this day.
Impressed by her show of repent in reporting them and her furthering responsibility in handing down the punishment herself, the Lysian council reaches out to her personally, offering her to learn through their highest mentors. She was gifted the position of duchess.. and after many more years of training and studying, she became the leader of the winter witches within the Lysian Council.
To this day, she is not the happy ray of sunshine she used to be. The years of loneliness, anger, and pain changed her loving heart to that of an icy black pit, eating away at anything she may consider to being a source of genuine happiness. She lives alone within the walls of her own home, keeping to herself most days and waiting for her time to die, to fall into hell where she knows she is now condemned.
Her hands, as beautiful as they may seem, itch. An itch not caused by disease or allergy, but by the action she took to end her parent's lives.
And so-- Joohyun watches, patiently waiting for her clock to end.
The very next day, Joohyun reported them to the council. When it came down to it, she was absolutely heartbroken. The fact her closest family and the only two people she had ever loved... had betrayed her, had betrayed all of their kind and that of the vampirekind as well. Devastation soon turned to anger, and anger to pure wrath. When the official decision was made that her parents would be executed- she stepped forward and offered to perform the execution herself. Her mother's sobs still haunt her to this day.
Impressed by her show of repent in reporting them and her furthering responsibility in handing down the punishment herself, the Lysian council reaches out to her personally, offering her to learn through their highest mentors. She was gifted the position of duchess.. and after many more years of training and studying, she became the leader of the winter witches within the Lysian Council.
To this day, she is not the happy ray of sunshine she used to be. The years of loneliness, anger, and pain changed her loving heart to that of an icy black pit, eating away at anything she may consider to being a source of genuine happiness. She lives alone within the walls of her own home, keeping to herself most days and waiting for her time to die, to fall into hell where she knows she is now condemned.
Her hands, as beautiful as they may seem, itch. An itch not caused by disease or allergy, but by the action she took to end her parent's lives.
And so-- Joohyun watches, patiently waiting for her clock to end.
60k notes
posted 4 hours ago
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
60k notes
ice queen.
played by loveyloveydovey
I am someone who has a cold heart. If I am beside a great grief I throw barriers up so the loss cannot go too deep or too far. There is a wall instantly in place, and it will not fall.
—michael ondaatje