Personal Message

capping at five threads! 0/5

céline heo - 30 - writer, barista (gardenia café), creator on onlyfans

ig : @cecebaby (public) / @ceceline (private)
access to priv!account : ivy hwang, daphne park
onlyfans: @cecebaby

connections / threads (pm to establish)
ivy hwang - boss/friend

— alias: mino, heath, céline, z.

— i don't mind 'she, they, or (even) he' pronouns, given that i very often roleplay with male faceclaims.

— i am of age and willing to write nsfw themes as long as it is discussed before we write. overcommunication is key with me when it comes to discussing the direction of our muses relationship dynamic. i don't plot romance unless i feel like our characters would fit and our writing chemistry flows.

— 98% of the time, i write in 3rd POV unless we're doing a text thread or a short, strictly-just-dialogue interaction. definitely not opposed to one-liners as long as they're fruitful, and we mutually agreed to stick with shorter exchanges. i'm not too picky of a writer, and i'm willing to explore (regarding styles, genres, themes, etc.). best way to know if i'd be down to try something new is just to ask me. my reply length mostly depends on my writing energy and will range from semi-para to novella. currently, i'm only taking on semi-para or para threads, simply because i'm trying not to overwhelm myself.

— to be completely honest, i'm not the best when it comes establishing a plot/connection, but i will throw out ideas and potential linking points at you to see what you'd be more interested in. if you're not about that, please come to me with a good idea of what you'd like to write.

— do not poke me. i know i tend to be very slow at replies. if you're someone who prefers fast-paced writing partners or you tend to lose muse quickly, i'm not the one for you.

— have any triggers? please communicate them with me in any way you feel most comfortable. i will respect them, no questions asked.